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I have not been making posts recently due to my habits or writing down all my notes and reflections on a piece of paper and then completely forgetting to input it into the blog. However, I am doing a current check in. So far I’ve attended the two bonus sessions for our Thesis class and have enjoyed being able to hear other’s ideas along with being able to chat about mine.

So far I’ve done some research in installation art along with dance in interactive media art. I had a very interesting chat with Brian this week about what the question of my thesis could be condensed to be, and our discussion ended up being about the exploration behind my thesis. Which in this case is the exploration in how technology can be used to create empathy,Ā  comfortability, and connection with others through my passion of salsa. For my thesis I will be doing a pop-up coffee shop in which I will take different elements of a coffee shop and present them through different technological backgrounds all coming from what I have learned and studied throughout this program. The common theme throughout these options will be how they can present the comfort and peace salsa gives me and why I chose to present them this way.

I have a lot more research and work to do but for now I am happy to have a concrete form of exploration and next steps.

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