After resubmitting my thesis proposal, Craig also gave me a lot of helpful responses,
- Should keep thinking about the intention of my project, because it sounds contradictory to my proposal. The tone of my project is not clear yet.
- Encourage me to have a different perspective view on the training data. For example, provide three different models “where data is collected from dramatically different populations”, to allow a user to choose which training data model they want to be judged with.
- Do the work I like to do, while also delivering an engaging and memorable experience for participants should be my goal.
So I started to revise the third thesis proposal edition to adjust properly the central question and final purpose.
Glad to see you process this – I hope you’ve jumped into the “making” phase – no need to “resubmit” unless it’s for your own benefit – you’ll revisit your proposal questions when you go to present!
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