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Spring Presentation Reflection Post _0509

For the presentation, I wanted to show a progress of my work including: what I have been doing, what is my thesis, and how thesis evolves along with my experiments and peers feedbacks!

Since last time we had a rehearsal presentation, so for the final ones I changed the slide’s structure a bit, according the feedbacks I received since last session and focused on iterations of my sketches. Though during the presentation I spent most of the time on reading notes and didn’t go through all of slides I prepared.

One major feedbacks I received was people get confused of what my next step is. I mentioned in the very first several slides saying the final form of delivery will be an interactive performance between dancer and projections. However I think the main issue here is I had not make clear connection between why I am making this sketches and how they are part of thesis research. (But to be honest, thoughts are still scattered  if I dig deep into the reasoning of making, It is not solid…) As I am saying , starting with sketches is only beginning step of getting myself use to the library and informations I could be dealing with… So I am as confused as my audiences, but maybe I should of let them know that.

Few other feedbacks I think are very helpful in the direction of making were:
1. consider live streaming as a form of digital performances – This one is easy to experiment with
2. performances consideration – perspective of viewing, screening or projection? environment/stage design
3. What dance aesthetics that only the performances could bring that video/music will not ?

Those are questions I keep in journal as I am moving forward.

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