March 28, 2023
(30-minute session)
After our “breakthrough session” from the previous week (yay!), I shared my draft of the work-in-progress slides, and we continued to narrow in on scope, knowing we had Show A Thing on the horizon in the next week and our larger peer session. Some of the questions/topics we tackled were:
- narrowed in on my “verb” for the project: “exploring”
- leading toward a critical lens: an awareness that experiences might reside in your body that carries trauma
- discussed the necessity of the IRB process and if that was something I needed to: no, understanding consent in the process
- User testing for Show A Thing: physical/manual prompts voiced over a story to simulate the experience
We also discussed my decision to cut out the visual aspects and zero in on the haptics with the audio.
My next steps were to meet with Marianne Petit and prepare my user testing for Show A Thing sessions!
Thank you for your articles. I find them very helpful. Could you help me with something?