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Meeting with Mimi Yin

Today I talked with Mimi Yin, who teaches collective play at ITP. A lot of insights from our conversation:

1. The idea that altruism is in a negative space, and you almost define it by saying by what is NOT altruistic.
2. The kind of person who gets joy from making other people happy is different than the kind of person who does something to be better than everything else. We talked about how social media provides a social reward, but because of the way individual profiles exist it becomes more like a flex/competition, ie I’ll like your stuff if you like mine. Maybe a collective profile or shared space?
3. Figure out what kind of game “reward” you get that is in line with altruism, but has this sense of “oh it isn’t just for me” or “it isn’t always for me”.
4. How to create this feeling: getting joy out of other people getting something
5. Creating a catalogue for where I can find altruistic acts in real life, try to group them and see what they have in common.

3.23.23 Sarah 1:1

Meeting Reflection: w/ Resident Brian

Met with Brian tonight and got different aspects of feedback.

  1. Should explore more about how data I collect can be used and think more about what really causes success if I can get the basic data.
  2. Do the basic unscientific part to do user tests for different reactions.
  3. Question myself about what experience I want the audience can take away from it: walk in? security cam(do they know?) specific room? wait in line? black box? say something? make it machine-like, non-human? what general emotion do you want them to walk in? If I want to give a bad/harmful experience like walking into DMV, what will it look like?…
  4. My project may include some bias danger and should talk more about that.

1-1 Refelction#3

Had a great meeting with Sarah yesterday, of course, I got lots of feedback and advice.

Firstly, my thesis’s central question needed to be reconsidered because the question such as “Can a person’s implicit emotional state be reasonably inferred from that person’s facial expression? Furthermore, does facial emotion recognition prepare for the vast cultural and social distinctions in how people show emotion or personality, and even assessments of their dependability, conscientiousness, emotional intelligence and cognitive ability?” these are like foregone conclusions that people maybe just can say yes or no without and other critical thinking.

As for the audience part, I couldn’t only focus on what topics people are interested in, should be more specific(agree/disagree/middle?). If the audience is people who agree with the use of FER – my verb should be “disprove, or challenge”, but if the audience is people who disagree with its use – my verb is to deepen the understanding,  or create solidarity around an idea.

Sarah also told me should put more focus on the research and building process, as the final output maybe totally different from what I plan to create.

Next step:

  1. Do sketches and storyboards right away so I can understand experientially what impact my project has on a user.
  2. Rethink the central question – “something that acknowledges the complication and leaves you open to discovery during your process!”
  3. Analyze the project’s audience, verbs, and think about whether success in enacting that verb or not.(links below)

Attach my mind map miro board below:

Starting my Technical Prototype

Hey friends,

Made some great progress on my technical prototype last week. I feel like for an entire month, I was really overthinking how to make my UE framework (since multiplayer is complicated and there are a lot of different ways to do it). I finally just made something that will work for prototyping, and that has helped me a lot not only in terms of progress but also the emotional feeling of accomplishment.

Basically now I have the multiplayer framework setup, using a listen server model and an Steam online subsystem plugin. I actually tested with a friend but totally forgot to take documentation of it. Now, people can download my game if I send it to them and if they have Steam. I eventually want to put the game on Steam so having this integration was important to me.

Now that’s finally done, I can move on to the fun stuff – designing the level!

I have a video link in my technical documentation under “making a multiplayer game from scratch” (sorry this page is kind of a mess right now so please use the table of contents)


Peer Group Meeting 3/6

First peer group meeting for me. Showed everyone the sketches I had been making and asked about thoughts on how to be personal in an art project. It seems like people thought the sketches already felt personal lol. But yeah in theory whatever I make, it would be personal in a sense. Perhaps I should rethink my question as: how do I show vulnerability and how do I feel about showing it. I guess this is a question that can only be answered by myself.

Why am I inclined to make dark, intense and brutal things? I know my “style” is not unique to me. There are many artists out there who share similar aesthetics. Jason had a good point on that. Generations of artists and musicians use certain motifs specific to their time as a way to deal with the trauma(or fear?) caused by the technological and social development in that era.

Who is the person behind the style?

Meeting Reflection: w/ Resident Sarah

Met with Sarah the other day and got some feedbacks on my proposal. She agreed that focusing on the “personal” and how I as an individual relate to these big topics is a good way to cut into the project.

A question for form 1 (game engine based world) is that how is this form personal? Just by inserting the image of myself in it doesn’t feel enough. It’s almost a lazy way of making it personal and still feels distant. Reflecting on that, I realized I was mostly just excited about this technology & world building and didn’t consider much about the nature of game engines as a medium, the system it exists in, and my personal relationship with it.

Sarah said that she found form 2 (audiovisual performance) to be a more compelling one. And suggested that I could broaden my thinking of “performance” and perhaps make it site specific, with curation in mind. What would an excavation site of my future tomb look like? How does it reflect my desire, my anxiety? How does making it shift my current life? How do I feel about exposing intimate things about myself? How do I feel about someone else getting hold of my relics (including my 3d scan)?

The topic still seems to broad and not related tightly to one another. It’s probably best to pick one and dive deeper.

More notes on being personal: talk to people who know me well, write journals, find out why I care about my topic and why is it relevant to how I live my life.

Thesis progress

I have a video but it is too big for notion. The sonic quality is the essence in the thesis I present so far, but still WIP