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After Peer Meeting 1

Peer meeting 1 was very useful. It was nice to hear where everyone else is in their thesis journey and get a bit of clarity on my journey. Brian also pointed out that we can do whatever it is that we want, so that we should choose topics that resonate with us. That was super helpful for me.

After First 1 on 1

I found the meeting with Sarah to be really helpful. It provided a lot of clarity on the course objectives and ways that the project can be approached.

I’m still narrowing down a topic, but Sarah gave some great resources for me to look into for design and project inspo. She also gave me an assignment to think through a couple of the projects that I’ve made and envision their purpose. What would I want them to be? How would I want people to interact with them? Who’s the audience and what might be their expectations, motives, and experience?

After Class 1

Hey everybody! My big takeaways from class 1 were to stay open minded and follow my passions. I think the picking a topic side of things is daunting and a bit overwhelming, so hopefully I’ll be able to narrow down a topic and get researching.

Bonus Session Review

I met with Nun, Kat, and Suri on Tuesday night and it was really good to have that touchpoint. I found it really helpful mostly to see the process that Kat is going through — she normalized for me the sense of not having a solid direction at the moment. I am still mulling over the things that I want to work on and the ideas that I want to explore, and she shared some of the exercises that Sarah “assigned” her, so I think those are things to which I should devote some serious time. More soon.

1-1 Reflection

I’ve got a lot to look into! My sphere of reference really ignores computational poetry and a lot of modern poetry in general, and now I have a lot of references to look into. I think we narrowed down three arms of what I want my project to be, those being: a book, a website, and a performance. What shape those three things will end up taking is something we’ll have to discover over the course of the coming weeks, but I’m optimistic that this is the direction I want to be looking in. Going to write a few analysis about some of the pieces I’ve been referred to, and work on the Dream Review/Nothing to Something exercises.

First 1-1 Reflection

I met with Sarah. We talked about some of my past work, art, projects, etc. It was helpful to organize my interests and get a sense of possible project directions. Sarah helped point out that I might be a bit too project oriented and that thesis is more of an umbrella with the project as just a small part of it.

We talked over some of my ideas around empowering women and some of my personal experiences with sexism. Some possible avenues to explore are:

-History of affirmation poster 

-How do you measure how empowered women are before and after (emojis?)

-Low fi daily practice 

-Conversations and ways to test out what emojis people might respond with in the context of empowering women 


Recommended assignment: Pick a publication and write about my project even in a very vague way in the voice of the publication

Class 1 Reflection

Obligatory Hello World!

We did the nothing to something exercise in class. It was really helpful for organizing my thoughts and figuring out some of what I might be passionate about. I’m not sure that I’ve fully “picked a topic” or anything like that, but I am leaning towards something women empowerment related.

We’ll see how it goes!

First 1-1 Meeting with Sarah

I had a conversation with Sarah yesterday at noon. It went a lot faster than expected – wish we had more time to chat. We started off by me sharing a little bit about my background, work experience and the projects I had done in the IMA program. Sarah made connections between the 3 projects I shared with her (film RAIN, interface lab/creative coding Sea the Rain Lights, and connections lab Diary Balloons), and we both figured “weather” has been a consistent theme throughout my projects. I’m not sure if it’s intentional, but I realized I always tend to create something sentimental and personal. Some key elements in my work: weather, nature, mood, emotion, self expression, inner peace.

As for my thesis, I’m still a little unsure of what to do, but I shared with Sarah about the “elderly wellbeing” topic I did for critical experience. She suggested that perhaps I could extend one of my projects or combine them into a bigger project, and make it an interactive device or application for the elderly home & their social/mental wellbeing. Some action items: 1) take some time to ask elders (eg. grandparents) how they feel about the projects I did – not just the usability but what they bring/convey/solve. 2) did a couple of interviews to gather how they envision technology and its role in their daily lives. 3) research on experiences and products for the elderly, interactive forms & media of weather, and connected devices 4) dream review, imagine how a podcast would say about this product.

1st Peer Group Meeting with Beth! :) (02/8/2023)

Hey! 🙂

If you’re reading this I hope all is well!

This morning I had my first group meeting with Beth! It was short but fun and it was great hearing about everyone’s ideas and thoughts pertaining to their thesis explorations! 🙂  We discussed a great deal about our bibliographies and our plans for our next meeting! Also I had a great time learning a bit more about Beth and her experiences in this class prior to ours!

Welp that’s all for now!

Until next time! 🙂


Peer Group Meeting #1

Members: Danni, Yunshan, Ada, Jun, Elizabeth, and I

I have this folder for the notes of peer group meetings:

It is super interesting, exciting, and helpful! Having a chance to talk out the idea is already very helpful. It is interesting that Ada’s, Jun’s, and my topic for the thesis are somehow related. Maybe we can try to work together in the future.

Some helpful questions I received: Who are the target audience? Will the art style be attractive? The deep meaning of using animals instead of human features. Can I finish all I planned in time?

Some useful references:

Chinese Parents:

Animal Crossing: New Horizons: