1:1 Meeting 2.13.23
**EDIT** The bibliography now lives on here arena and will be updated there.
Oops! I created this notion page earlier in the week and forgot to post it. I think I will migrate it to a different platform/format to include the inspiration from the artists (+ others that I find) that are on my miro board. Links to both below:
Notion bibliography/reading list: https://www.notion.so/7db8e8886e0745d6962a9034c230176f?v=49ea5b1180344de998b7b02f0d97067e&pvs=4
miro board something->nothing, with inspiration: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVPr-Syqc=/?share_link_id=258453680988
This is just the beginnings, with some references coming from the research Sarah gave me to do and some coming from sources I was already fond of. I’ll be adding to it as I collect more stuff.
3 Pillars of my Thesis:
https://youtu.be/19HVkeP4lCE (La Dispute, a Departure)
https://youtu.be/vnKZ4pdSU-s (Neil Hilborn, OCD)
https://www.kalladomcdowell.com/ (K. Allado-Mcdowell’s website)
Published book:
https://www.kalladomcdowell.com/ (K. Allado-Mcdowell’s website again, lower down are some of her book covers. I like them because they’re minimalistic)
https://trollthread.tumblr.com/post/98065833979/i-rl-you-rl-sophia-le-fraga-troll-thread-2014 (Sophie Le Fraga’s I RL, U RL)
I wanna create a future world, where people live under the sea. It is will come with 12 pictures.
Met with Emily, Ai, and lena during the first bonus peer meeting, Emily gave me some ideas about the thesis bibliography before meeting with Sarah.
Met with Brian, Ai, and lena during the first group meeting, Brian gave me some ideas about the thesis bibliography and the suggestion for the thesis class.
I’m currently split between two ideas for Thesis. The first is a topic I’m personally interested in, the second is also something I’m interested in but is more relevant to my day to day work. Currently leaning towards idea #2, given it’s proximity to my daily work and timely nature.
Goal: Embody the feeling of sublimity, and inspire recognition of the structures larger than the individual
Bibliography Are.na channel: https://www.are.na/sehmon/sublime-technology
Brainstorm Miro Board: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVPsVT2Gc=/
Areas of Inquiry:
Goal: Explore new interfaces for musical expression, built on advances in Machine Learning and AI.
Bibliography Are.na channel: https://www.are.na/sehmon/ml-musical-expression
Areas of Inquiry:
Relevant to an effort I’m supporting at work. There’s potential to be a lead engineer on this project, collaborating with a prominent musician to build an interface for musical creation.
I’m feeling like the second idea makes most sense given the next few months. Will review with Sarah during our check in tomorrow!
Meeting up with Sarah for the 2nd time, and Sarah gave me many examples of work/ artists:
They are all very inspiring, especially I have got to sense the clear direction in each projects they were and are doing. I started to clear out some of my ideas and now it is more manageable and we also talk about grants for projects, Sarah pointed out Creative Capital(https://creative-capital.org/), which is helpful. And I think for some of the sessions with Sarah, I would like to do presentation of project to her so I could improve my skills better explaining my concepts and progress, etc.