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2023 04 18: Marina Zurkow

Second format chat with Marina, covered some of the updates of my project (sound baths, theta soundscapes, avoiding triggering beta stimulation. Discussed the presentation of my project and the feedback I got from Zoe and Kat, and how to make my work more accessible. The idea of 2 decks came up, one for beginners / public and one for superusers / meditators / neuroscientists / psychonauts. We ended with a frank, useful conversation with how I present (meaning, what associations do people have about me based on how I talk, how I look, what I wear, my tone, etc…) and how to be cognizant that the decisions I make impacts the context which my work is presented. Spoke some about my past, and dangerous environments I grew up in that led to me feeling safer and more comfortable with being in my imagination, in my head, in meditation, and how that preference has led to this work.

2023 04 18: Dan O’Sullivan


  • specifics of my theta soundscape mapping, avoiding Beta triggers
  • subjective reporting of soundbath attendees
  • role of distraction in meditation experiences
  • concern with using the word “dream” and what term can be used to accurately describe Theta. “hypnotic” also has it’s associations and limitations
  • usefulness of system in neurotherapy and PTSD treatment
  • Womb sounds, the audio level of blood flow for the fetus is like a motorcycle engine
  • Conor at BCI
  • Can people use system without me?
  • Feeling of synchrony may happen after the soundbath or synchrony experience

Mentor Meeting 2

April 7, Had a longer talk (45min) with Jon to make up for the wifi issue we had last time.

Need to think through these questions:

Are they comfortable of immersive experience? Why at home? Can’t it just be at a community center? Perhaps, in the survey, need to document their desire (home/lobby/park/mall/etc.). Think about accessibility and usability.

The design methodology I’m implementing: HCD methodology – 3Ps (Pause, Pivot, Persist).

Regarding the survey, first use my own network & social to spread out and if more data is needed, try contacting the professional resource. For the prototype, try to set up at school first, and let your classmates experience & imagine the setting (to be where and used by whom). Video-document it.


1-1 Meeting #6

I had a meeting with Sarah to clarify some thesis requirements. I initially thought my topic was “open source,” but in reality, I wanted to explore my “personal feelings about coding.” So I asked Sarah if I could tweak the thesis topic. Additionally, since it’s based on personal experience, I wondered what kind of research I should conduct and what level of work would be sufficient for a thesis.

Sarah didn’t think it was a problem to tweak the topic. Regarding research, she said that finding similar artworks, figuring out the logic and mechanisms for building the installation are all considered research. The only requirement was the actual creation process. She advised me to let the making process guide myself.

Although Sarah answered my question, the most valuable piece of advice I received was “honesty.” It’s my thesis, so as long as I’m honest with myself, I can determine the work and direction. I initially misunderstood the thesis concept. I thought I had to set the goal or the big question at the beginning and couldn’t change it. But now, I realize it’s a process that allows me to explore. During this process, I can change directions and clarify the thesis as I go, instead of setting the goal right from the start. (Some people may be able to define their direction from the start, but not me.)

Once again, the making process is all I need at this stage.

For those who want some context on what I’m tweaking for my thesis, I’ve included the Miro link here:

It’s like two circles: My feelings about coding vs. Open Source. While there are some overlaps, I want to focus on my feelings first. I’ll touch on Open Source in the future.

As for my current prototype, it’s an odor machine that represents a code smell.

Right after talking with Sarah, I had some thoughts about my feelings towards coding: in the context of the AI era, my code taste is like a nostalgia for handicrafts during the industrial age. What I’m doing can be considered a pre-AI era human archive. Will I have other thoughts in the next few days? Perhaps. I’ll let the making process and conversations guide me.

2023-04-15 Reflection: Show-a-thing

I’m finally getting the chance to sit and reflect on show-a-thing – what a whirlwind that was, but so fun! I feel like having the opportunity to meet all of those awesome people was great in itself, but then the fact that they wanted to talk about my project, was amazing. I got a lot of really great feedback, but the two pieces that are standing out for me right now are:

  • Can this project be a group experience rather than an individual experience? Radio waves allow for communication, and having a solo experience may mean that I leave a lot on the table in terms of opportunities to explore the social aspect of this phenomenon.
  • What is my critical lens? Why does it matter that we understand radio waves on an intuitive level besides my own curiosity?


2023-04-03: Preparing for show-a-thing

At the moment, I am thinking of creating:

A device that the user can plug their headphones into, which will scan the existing radio waves in their proximity and present them in the form of sound, light, and, haptic feedback. These presentations will be mappings of the observed frequencies to tones, visible light frequencies, and haptic feedback frequency and/or intensity, respectively. While this physical feedback is being presented, there is also a sound walk audio track that will guide the user to walk around their surroundings to observe how their location changes this output. The sounds walk will allow the audience to experience the here and now, and also give them the opportunity to experience what this feedback would feel like if they were in the National Radio Quiet Zone and imagine if this was what life was like prior to the harnessing of radio waves. The audience will then also get to experience an imagined future – what will radio waves feel like in the year 2223?

Ideas for the sound walk script:

  • The air all around you is complex. It has nitrogen, oxygen, argon, and a bit of carbon dioxide. It changes temperature and can carry small particles like pollen. When it’s foggy, the air changes feels denser, and is opaque.
  • What is the quality of the air where you are?

Sketch of device:

Questions I’m hoping to answer in this piece:

  • How do we experience an invisible phenomenon?
  • How are radio waves related to WiFi?
  • How do radio waves & all this data flowing around us affect us? The environment?

Questions for my meetings:

  • Does this make sense?


Interview with my Grandparents (04/13/2023) :)

Hi all!

If you’re reading this I hope all is well! Yesterday was amazing because I had the opportunity to interview my grandparents for the finale of my thesis! It was emotional, eye opening, informative and inspirational! The interview lasted for almost an hour. While I did have a set of questions prepared, the interview became more fluid and spontaneous with time which I love! It really felt as though I had finished recording a piece of history through our phone conversation! They were both more than willing to share their life story and rich history of experiences, and while in the interview process it made me realize just how precious this time with them was! My grandparents and I are already very close, and while listening to them talk about their experiences, this just brought us even closer together! The conversation was raw, unedited, intimate, humorous and informative. If anything I’m extremely excited to share this with the class when everything is completed! 🙂

Until next time! 🙂