About IMA Low Res & Thesis 2023
The Global Low Residency MA degree in Interactive Media Arts is a unique and exciting graduate school experience that aims to challenge the norms for accessibility in higher education. Rooted in a maker culture of “learning by doing”, this new program offers students a degree focused on the production, application, and understanding of interactive media for creative expression and critical engagement. By participating in this program, graduates are empowered to more thoughtfully engage with the interactive media technologies, systems, materials and actors informing our world today.
The IMA Low Res Thesis is a course taught in the latter half of the program, across both the Spring and Summer sessions, where students are challenged to conceptualize, design and implement an interactive project of their own choosing. The Thesis project encapsulates the IMA program by having students identify an area of inquiry that resonates with their personal interests and conduct practice-based research, skill-building and creative exploration resulting in a usable interactive project that represents their insights and artistry.