Lucia Jeesun Lee

Savage Cord

Savage cord is one forgotten umbilical cord for strangers.

In the city,
between huge cubes of buildings,
we walk by people without awareness,
because they are strangers.
We might have been in a same elevator a week ago.
We might have watched a same movie.
We might have used a same bathroom somewhere.

We share the air, the water, the earth.

We all breathe, eat, dream, desire, live, reproduce, and will die.
We are all animal.

I would like to share our forgotten umbilical cord,

'Savage cord'

In broad term, we are all from the same big mother land.
Once we were the one.

This is a single long cord(approximately 70 meters) made of stocking stuffed with plastic bags. First I wrap my body with a cord, and start to hand one end to the stranger. The stranger wraps his/herself as well, and ask another stranger to share the savage cord.
At the end, we will all be the one again for a moment.

For the show, I will show the savage cord along with the documentation of performance in Washington Square Park on April 14th.
Audience can both watch the performance and experience the same performance by physically trying it on.


For performance
-First, my body will be wrapped with the Savage Cord. I will hand one end of the cord to the stranger. The stranger will wrap his/her body once and give the end to the other stranger. This will go over end over, and eventually we will all share the Savage Cord.

For the show

-Audience will watch the video documentation of the performance and also can physically try the cord on their bodies.

It is made of lode of stockings filled with plastic bags,bubble wrpas, and some fabric. It is one long single cord which allows to connect people who participate.

You never know what will happen before go out to the real world.
Your idea of interaction with stranger is never perfect as your imagination.
