Jaewook Shin

The Wallpaper

The Wallpaper is an interactive live video installation that allows people to create graphic patterns by moving body or using objects that will be projected on wall in real time.


'The Wallpaper' is a system that allows users including children to create images and patterns which will be projected on the wall by moving their body or using objects in real time. Camera looks for body or objects and captures the silhouette. It continuously displays the images every second one after another to draw its shape as grid. Therefore by moving one's body, users are able to have their unique wallpapers, and make stories with combinations of it.
It is particularly good system for children to play. It encourages their physical movement. They see their own silhouette of body appeared onto the wall one after one. Just like drawing onto wall with their body. Parents or teachers can use it when they read books to children using the objects that are related with story.

Wallpaper is material which is used to cover and decorate the interior walls of homes, offices, and other buildings; it is one aspect of interior decoration. Wallpapers are usually sold in rolls and are put onto a wall using wallpaper paste. Wallpapers can come either plain so it can be painted or with patterned graphics.*
Typically wallpaper will not be changed often, stays long once people put. This is the wallpaper that changes as many time as user want at real time.

General audience
Parents and teachers

1. For general users
Audiences are invited to create images they wanted by moving their body in front of camera.
At the same they will see the silhouette of their body shape which is projected on the wall one after another as a sequence .

2. For parents and children
Sometimes parents make characters and objects in the story as paper dolls in order to animate their storytelling when they tell stories or read books to children. They can reflect those paper dolls with this system that will appears on wall one after another as sequence. The silhouette of doll papers that they used will be covered whole wall as graphic patten just like wallpaper. Then children will have wallpaper of stories that they just heard form parents in result. It is expected for children to remember better about stories as well as time with their parents. Teachers can use this in kindergarden too as same way.

Camera captures images in front.
System made with MAX/Jitter playback the silhouette of images every second one after another.
Projector project it on wall.
