Magical Meditation

Isabel Paez

Turning Meditation into an interactive magical experience


This Magical Meditation Altar was inspired by a project in the Readymades class. We needed to find a found object that can portray a character or personality and I decided to use an object I have been finding all over my country: quartz. The quartz stones are considered one of the strongest stones because of its protection power and have been used by ancient cultures all over the world.

When I first found them on a beach in Ecuador I discovered how they shine and I felt the energy I have heard so much about so I started to collect them. Since then I find them every time I take a trip, sometimes I find them in such weird places that I think that they find me! I always take care of the quartz I owe, I charge them and clean them when there is a full moon and I also give them as presents to special people on their birthdays.

A couple of years ago I made up my own way of meditating and quartz were essential for the meditation process. After a while I started to realize that I needed to include more natural elements to the meditation and eventually I made an altar which is the inspiration I took after to create this project. The altar I created in my house has the shape of the “Cruz Chacana” that represent the four directions (North, South, East, West) and the four elements (Air, Earth, Fire, Water) and I shape it with quartz, feathers from different birds and places, leaves, sticks and other natural elements.

Most people don't believe in the power of nature so I decided to create a scenario where the elements of nature come alive and make a magical interaction!

