Brain Computer Interface (BCI) + Mixed Reality (MR) Headset experience that simulates human delusions, and how meditation can help reveal true reality.
Brain Computer Interface (BCI) + Mixed Reality (MR) headset experience that simulates human delusions, and how meditation can help reveal true reality. The Washington Sq. Park Fountain can be compared to our minds. At times, the fountain flows full of water. Sometimes, there are musicians or magicians performing in the center. Other times the fountain is the center for political protests. Despite the many different experiences and occurrences in the fountain, it is really only a fountain. Similarly, our minds continuously come up with various thoughts and desires.
For this experience, I fill the fountain with various scenarios: water, magma, earthquake, and blizzards (using virtual augmentations). The EEG sensor measures the user’s level of concentration. If the user focuses, the distracting scenery disappears, so that in the end only the fountain is left. The more the user relaxes, the faster he/she can reach the true state of reality.
Collaborated with Joe Moon (NYU Stern Business School)