Programming languages are associated with utility and efficiency, but for decades, programmers have been exploring the bounds and definitions of programming languages through the creation of impractical, whimsical and absurd languages — designed not for their utility value, but rather the experience they propose. Much like the constraints and rules that writers and poets use to fuel creativity, these “esoteric” languages present constraints that create space for different kinds of thinking, and posit new ways of examining the communication between humans and machines.
Inspired by this rich history, in:verse is a programming language and development environment with embedded values that stand in opposition to the languages we are accustomed to; where poetry is code, random chance is valued more than precision, and telling a story is valued more than succinct, terse code. It is an experiment in engaging a broader audience in the speculations of what a programming language can be.
in:verse allows writers to create visuals with words, to mold the language to their liking, and to effortlessly explore unusual variations to their programs — with the assurance that their programs will never crash. It presents a writer with a puzzle in three parts — writing a shader, which requires a different mode of thinking than most computational drawing tools; using a stack-based programming paradigm, that is rarely seen in mainstream programming languages; and telling a story or writing poetry within these constraints.
in:verse encourages writers to build worlds in their minds as they write programs; to indulge in the practice of constraint-based writing; to explore new modes of collaboration; to forgo the need for speed and efficiency; and to embrace uncertainty and a lack of control.