Rainbow Resonance

Rainbow resonance encourages the visitor to participate in a playful performance that engages the body to produce colorful images and sound resonances using computer vision. The color scheme is based on the visible light spectrum and is also inspired by the chakras. The colors are mapped to the different organs, vertically along the y-axis of an upright body, beginning with red at the lower abdomen area, orange at the navel area, yellow around the stomach, lime-green at the heart area , blue/turqoise at the throat, and purple at the forehead and above. Sound is mapped to corresponding color (light) frequencies in the spectrum through multiplication. Red resonates at 384 Hz, orange resonates at 432 Hz, yellow at 480 Hz, lime-green at at 512 Hz, , blue-green resonates at 576 Hz, indigo at 648 Hz, and violet resonates at 720 Hz. A video camera is used as a sensor to detect motion along the y-axis, and motion tracking is used to map the vertical “zones” of the body. The vertical “zone” with the most vivid motion determines the predominant color and sound reflected by the figure. Short sound compositions accompany each color.

Monday, May 19th, 2008