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The Penis Wall

Peiqi Su

This kinetic sculpture consists of 81 erectable penises that respond to either a viewer's movements or to realtime movements in the stock market.


The penis is so different! This is my initial motivation, to study one of the oldest and probably the most attractive thing that humans interact with.

The Penis Wall is made up of 3D printed penises that each have six segments driven by servo motors. Equipped with an ultrasonic distance sensor, each unit can respond to a viewer's movements. Moreover, the Penis Wall can also be used as a display to represent data, for instance, fluctuations in the stock market.

Hack It Back

Patricia R. Zablah

A workshop mentoring program focused on teaching media literacy to teenage girls. The girls combat sexist media by creating their own, new media that "hacks it back" and portrays more accurate representations of women.


Hack It Back is a program that teaches women and girls to decode sexist media messages through observation and critical analysis of media, its creators and its effects. In the workshops, which range from eight hours to a month, teens are paired with mentors to create their own media. They use digital and analog tools to break stereotypical gender roles. At the end of each workshop, teens strengthen their confidence by presenting their projects to an invited audience. The projects are published online and made available for download, if applicable. Ultimately, Hack It Back fosters a better image of women, becoming a catalyst for participants to see themselves as leaders who can break through societal and cultural barriers imposed on them.


Oscar Klingspor

A multi-channel generative music system controlled by vital statistics of New York.


Transience is a generative composition using statistics of births and deaths in NYC to tell a musical narrative of the city. A multi-channel system of speakers plays musical sounds as a child is born or as a death occurs, representing each borough's data. Variables such as gender, birth, death, and location trigger notes to create a soundscape.

Horizon: A 3D game in 4D space

Omer Shapira

E. Killing lives in a 4D simulation of the 3D world.
It's a recording – everything has already happened.
Her device, The Horizon, reconstructs her world in time slices, like a slit-scan camera.
She needs to find her way out of the simulator.


Horizon is a 4D puzzle game. Every scene in it is a pre-recorded 3D physical reality over a period of time. As Killing moves through the game, she uses the Horizon to select a shift in time to solve her problem – From her perspective it just looks like slit imaging, but she's actually forming a 3D physical space.
When she spots a brick falling from an abandoned building, E. Killing stretches that point in time, extending her perspective from the brick's drop until impact. She has just created a staircase she can climb.
Construction of Horizon required building a new game engine, called the Unruh Engine, which allows rapid recollection of pre-recorded geometry in 4 dimensions onto a coherent 3D scene with all of the usual game mechanics.

Dream Mirror

Norah Solorzano

Physically manifesting my dreams so that others may interact with them.


Dream Mirror is an art installation consisting of a series of animated dioramas depicting different dreamscapes with which the viewer may interact and explore. It is a curiosity cabinet filled with a collection of dream memories. The viewer plays the part of voyeur stealing glances into the dreamworld I have created as the drawers are explored, then ultimately becomes co-architect of this world as their presence affects these dreamscapes. The viewer is given the power of connecting these tableaus into a narrative by exploring them with a tiny camera, each visitor creating their own surreal story out of these dream worlds. The very private experience of dreaming is thereby turned into a public and collaborative experience.


Natasha Dzurny

A simple kinetic display for personal information, at a glance.


With the mass adoption of smartphones, wearables, and apps that collect personal data, so much is being tracked. Glance builds on the quantified self market to enhance the way collected data influences its users. It makes information more available, more relevant, and more beautiful by placing simple, iconic displays in meaningful places. Glance is a kinetic wall piece designed as home decor and includes a configuration app for multiple data sources. Using basic geometric shapes, the display is read quickly at a glance. As the smartphone slips away from the center of the digital ecosystem, look to Glance for a relevant display of knowledge, understanding and inspiration.

The Amazing Interactive Memory Machine

Natalie Tschechaniuk

The Amazing Interactive Memory Machine is an opportunity to experience a different perspective of Coney Island through a collection of personal histories. Visitors select a category and are transported through audio to another time.


The Amazing Interactive Memory Machine (AIMM) is a site-specific vending machine that dispenses memories. Placed on the Coney Island boardwalk, visitors are invited to choose a memory by pressing a button. With each press, listeners have a new opportunity to hear stories from other New Yorkers, stories about things that have changed or that persist despite change. At the conclusion of each story, a souvenir receipt prints out. Listeners can contribute to the machine by calling and leaving their memories on a voicemail system. AIMM offers a personal perspective of an historical place and an opportunity for unexpected experiences.


Myriam Melki

Dovetales is a mobile application that allows couples living in different timezones to share mundane details with each other in the form of a daily story.


Dovetales helps couples, as well as close friends, living in different timezones maintain strong relationships by sharing the mundane things in life. Although often overlooked, this exchange of simple details deepens intimacy.
A Dovetales story consists of several frames a day that form a single story. A frame can be composed of image, text or drawing. Like a letter, once created, the frame can't be edited. It can only be deleted. And much like a storyboard, frames are chronologically ordered and time stamped in the local time of the sender. At the end of each day, one single story is sent out. It is only received once, at a time chosen by the recipient.


Mohammad Shahrooz

The Jujubox is an immersive small scale virtual theater that gives the audience control of multiple audiovisual states of a performance. Through optical illusion, the feel of an actual live performance is recreated to enhance the user experience.


The Jujubox is a unique interactive musical video theater. The user is initially given the option to choose between a variety of performers. Once each performance begins, the user has the ability through a wide variety of physical controls, to manipulate various audiovisual aspects of the performance. The box itself acts as a virtual stage. A flat panel LCD screen is nested at the bottom, facing up. With two sheets of clear glass carefully placed at specific angles inside, the reflections from the screen provide the illusion of three-dimensional imagery. Additionally, the dual glass sheets provide an added sense of depth.

log(me) : vibe calculator

Michelle Cortese

The average human selects 15,000 words to speak each day and lacks a clear concept of their cumulative value; log(me) is a discrete wearable that scans and archives daily speech patterns to visually codify spirit, truth and power.


log(me) falls somewhere between a Nike+ FuelBand for words and a diary for a generation without pens. It's a necklace, small and abstract in design, and an iOS app, discrete and stylish. A reconsideration of the defunct digital diary, log(me) does not wait for written input; instead, it listens for function word patterns and uses their ratios to determine spirit (mood), power (confidence), and truth (honesty). The results live in the app, via three in-app displays: an abstract vibe graph, a stark stats page and an archive. Constantly running, log(me) provides a logarithmic, automated, and chic approach to self reflection.

language #thequalitativeself #fashiontech #privacy #objectivity #reflection #empowerment