
Archive for November, 2008

Magic Table

Make funny sounds using objects and see colorful images reflecting those objects on the table.

The camera above the table detects the objects or something on the table and make different sounds and visual effects where the objects are around table. ...CONTINUE READING »


Gambling Meets Online TV

Mini-Series, Sitcoms, Reality-TV, Soaps Operas lack online spaces for viewers to congregate and interact. Our target is a simple prototype that demonstrates how this could be solved with something addictive and fun, gambling. ...CONTINUE READING »

Urban Color

Urban Color visualizes a large number of photos from cities such as New York, Tokyo, Paris and London.

This application shows color of each cities such as New York, Tokyo, Paris and London. The database have been getting photos, date and color sequentially. Urban color is more focus on using such databases system for expressing design. This application visualizes each photos based on several directions and sort by...CONTINUE READING »
Sunday, November 30th, 2008
2008 ITP Winter Show,Dynamic Web Development,Noriaki Okada,Projects,Sung, Christopher | Comments Off on Urban Color

WheelBug Exhibit

A species of wheeled bugs designed from the ground up.

(Arthropoda-Magneticus-Rotus) This bug was recently found in the american west. In the last 100 years it evolved wheels and was able to leave it\'s watery habitat. This species uses it\'s magnetic sense to locate food, which it absorbs nutrition from electromagnetically.
Monday, November 24th, 2008
2008 ITP Winter Show,Anderson Miller,Project Development Studio (Danny Rozin),Projects,Rozin, Daniel | Comments Off on WheelBug Exhibit


What if you could drink a song? What would the Black and Tan Fantasy taste like?

The pianocktail is a piano that mixes drinks based on the combination of keys played. Each key corresponds to a different spirit or liquor and cocktails are produced appropriate to the mood of the song played. Now music can be drank in addition to being heard. The pianocktail exists in...CONTINUE READING »