
Heidi Frank

The Remains of Wanda

A biographical and historical account of the demise of the LP

The Story of Wanda ">The Story of Wanda

Video Sculpture

This video sculpture is meant to be the decapitated head of “Wanda Longoria Palay”, who became the character of the Long-Play vinyl record (LP) and whose story represents its history, along with the earlier 78 record (Wanda’s mother), and later, the Compact-Disc (Wanda’s niece Clara Dean). The artistic style is my perception of Tony Oursler meets Picasso, incorporating video footage of facial features (eyes, mouth, ears) which is projected onto the surface of a cubist-style head made of vinyl LPs that have been cut, heated and distorted. The audio from the LPs has been digitized and mixed to reflect the mood set out in the story, and includes words of Shakespeare mixed with classical Rachmaninoff and the techno music of Fafa Monteco and Forensic. The head is mounted above a record turntable for added aesthetic, and the sound will come from an old speaker placed underneath.

For this project, I researched the invention of vinyl records, specifically long-play 12-inch records known as LPs, and incorporated that history and timeline into a fictional biographical story.

Open to anyone.

User Scenario
This art piece is non-interactive.

A styrofoam mannekin head is covered with vinyl records that have been cut, heated and distorted around it and protruding out of it. The eyes and mouth are made of black wax to be used as a surface for video projection. The head is mounted above a record turntable which will be placed on a stand with an old speaker underneath which will project sound.

I discovered that vinyl is an interesting material to work with - and I broke a LOT of them! When digitizing the sound off the LP records, I also gained an appreciation for audiophiles and their love of vinyl.