Transform yourself into a different body. PoV gives you the opportunity to experience the world from a different point of view.
PoV is a system that allows you to take control over a characterless puppet, making it an extension of your own mind and body and raising questions about our physical existence and the ability to be in two different parts of the world at the same time.
The first prototype allows the users to control a 26″ manikin with their mobile device, moving him in space and watching the same room from its lower point of view which makes the world seem completely different.
In the future this manikin will have a human size and by sending it to different places around the world it will allow us to engage more deeply in conversations, enhancing the current video calls we are limited to by providing us with the ability to move and turn.
The manikin is fabricated by a combination of wood and electrical components, giving it a friendly look to engage people interacting with it and make it feel more natural yet a different and unique experience.
The importance of points of view was long discussed by philosophers and film theorists, PoV aims to provide us with our own point of view in long distance conversations.
Intro to Fabrication, Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.007, Introduction to Computational Media ITPG-GT.2233.005
]]>Computer programmed graphics displaying the passing of time through the change of colors and the movement of rings.
Computer programmed graphics displaying the passing of time through the change of colors and the movement of rings. Work still in progress. The final work would have three graphics showing seconds, minutes, and hours respectively. Physical set up includes one monitor, and I will be using my own computer.
Introduction to Computational Media ITPG-GT.2233.005
]]>“The difficulty that had to be overcome […] was to avoid all geometrical evidence. In other words, I had to start with a sort of intimacy of roundness.”<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
-Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space<br />
The distance between two individuals dictate a certain geometry,
therefore making visible the infinite interconnections in space.
Can we create a unit of measurement to study the morphology that connects all aspects of life, the worlds we share?
“Humans are beings that participate in spaces unknown to physics.Vital space can only be explained in terms of the priority of the inside: because humans cannot reside in a point, in the beginning there was the bubble.1”
In the meantime, please remember that I am standing an ADODA from you.
(1Peter Sloterdijk, Bubbles Spheres I, Semiotext(e))
Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.003, Introduction to Computational Media ITPG-GT.2233.005
]]>NomNom: The Video Machine allows you to play videos as music samples, and sync them like a DJ.
Powered by an Arduino, NomNom: The Video Machine controls the playback of videos presented on a web browser.
By pressing a button on the controller, the correlated video is being played on the screen and heard through the speakers.
The videos are being played in sync with one another.
Only the videos that are being played, are being heard.
The physical controller was designed and build by Mint Woraya Boonyapanachoti & Dodi Dror Ayalon.
All code was written by Mint Woraya Boonyapanachoti & Dodi Dror Ayalon.
Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.002, Introduction to Computational Media ITPG-GT.2233.005
]]>Make your own art piece.
This project is an interactive painting that users could create moving geometric shapes on the physical canvas. Using Kandinsky’s painting as visual reference, all the patterns you make moving slowly but aesthetically. Instead of drawing things on the LCD display, maybe an oil painting canvas will give people more sense of creating and relaxing. Equipments required a Kinect 1414 and a projector.
Introduction to Computational Media ITPG-GT.2233.005, Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.007