interaction between the physical and the virtual objects
Focused on the interaction between the physical input and the virtual output. Audience can interact with the tangible controller to control the physical wind, and at the same time, the virtual cloth on screen could be influenced.
Intro to Fabrication, Introduction to Computational Media ITPG-GT.2233.002, Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.003
]]>We are handing over the reins in the medium of storytelling to the observer by asking the them to choose the direction of a first date.
This interactive film is a comedic, 'choose your own adventure’-style narrative directed towards adults. The lead actress in the film, Christine, has two choices from her search on a popular dating app: will she go on a date with Douglas or Jared? Ultimately the individual observer gets to decide. By using the physical, interactive board, the observer has the ability to choose what path the date goes on in the film by moving the wooden piece from node to node. Their choices and full narrative are executed on the screen.
Introduction to Computational Media ITPG-GT.2233.002, Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.003
]]>Create a performance piece that comments on the unique lexicon that has been cultivated and utilized specifically towards women, and explore the violent and prohibitive effect it has on their often marginalized or reduced role in society. ‎
We have created a wearable that is divided into quadrants (arms & legs). Each quadrant has a designated strip of neopixels hooked up to a controller. The controller has four buttons that allows for each quadrant to cycle through a series of colors. As users cycle through a series of color states via the control panel, the performer (dancer Elizabeth White) will become weaker and weaker until she loses agency of each of her limbs completely. The control panel will also trigger a series of sound clips that will play as a backdrop to the performance piece. The sound clips highlight the lexicon we seek to comment on.
Introduction to Computational Media ITPG-GT.2233.002, Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.003
]]>A vibrating meditation platform that gently vibrates as your chant, "OM".
Aduri, meanring 'mindful' in Sanskrit, is a vibrating meditation platform is designed to immerse mediators of all experience levels into a state of total and complete relaxation. Incorporating Arduino, p5.js and various sound equipment, it’s aim is to enhance the meditation experience and reduce the learning curve to become a consistent and effective meditator.
As the meditator chants, the platform will smoothly vibrate simultaneously with the meditator, reinforcing the power of the sound they are creating with their voice. The lights within the “capsule” will gradually pulse at the same tempo meditator’s heart rate and provide an ambient lighting effect. The pulse rate will also be mapped out graphically on a computer screen so the user knows what heart rate they started and finished with ability to send themselves an email of their readings. This is to show the power of meditation to their well-being and to push them to being active mediators in their daily lives.
“Mantra is a Sanskrit word for “sound tool,” and Om is one of myriad such mantras. Sanskrit and some other ancient languages such as Tibetan, prototypical Egyptian and ancient Hebrew evolved as complex systems of onomatopoeia, where the sounds evoke movements of energy.” – US News
I have been a practicing meditator for about half a decade and have seen dramatic improvement to my life, mainly in my ability to concentrate, empathize, become self aware and reduce stress (other benefits to meditation). I have had peers who have tried to get into meditation, but failed to make it a habit, mostly due challenges with concentration and environment.
Since a child, ‘Om’ has been part of every mantra we’ve recited during religious ceremonies and celebrations. Half way through my experience with meditation, I’ve begun incorporating it into my personal sessions and have seen dramatic improvements in focus and concentration.
Introduction to Computational Media ITPG-GT.2233.002, Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.003
]]>With an archive of dreams I´ve register over 20 years (since 1995 to 2015) I am creating a platform that makes them interact with the audience. <br />
“Dreams Interaction” is a platform to archive and reflect about dreams from a narrative, personal and collective perspective.
It´s both an web base application and an installation. The application is a web page with circles that are moving around the screen, when the user interacts them with the mouse a dream is display (through sound, written or with an animation). The dreams comes from an archive of dreams I have written since 1995, and also from the input of the users. If you “clic” one of the circles a form is display. In this form the user can share a dream. In return, the user will receive a dream from the archive that has more common keywords with their own dream.
The project has two archives, one with my own dreams and one with users dreams. So the dream that the user receives will come back from both.
To create the proper atmosphere for this project I will create a dark space, with a moon projected on the wall. This projection comes from a Moon Phase Lamp (which is my Physical Computing Project). The space will be clean and dark, just with the moon projected and a computer where the visitor can interact with the application.
The Moon Phase Lamp is a lamp that projects in the wall the moon as it is in each day of the year. It changes each day so it shows exactly where the moon cycle is each day.
Introduction to Computational Media ITPG-GT.2233.007, Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.003
]]>play with simulated nature light refraction and dispersion and enjoy the rainbow that shades and fades on string sculpture
Obsessed with how sunlight refracts in nature and creates rainbow because of dispersion, we decide to simulate a process to show light travels and disperses and generates rainbows, during which can let people play with prisms to generate and erase rainbows themselves.
Basically, our project is a light installation which combines a plastic string sculpture with the light and rainbow effect created by one light source and three prisms. We hang more than 6000 plastic strings in a 30inch x 12inch x 18inch transparent acrylic box to make the string sculpture which plays the role of the medium that visualise the path that light travels. Three prisms connected with servos with calculated angles would keep rotating and refracting the light.Another wireless prism would be placed outside the box and give the control to users – people can rotate and play with this prism and see how light and rainbow changes in the box and create a light sculpture of your own.
The installation should be placed in a dark space to ensure the visibility of light refraction and dispersion.
Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.003
]]>Experience the bodily sensations of another person
The Empathy Suit is a full-body suit (shoulders to feet) for measuring, communicating, and reproducing pressure sensations from one wearer to another. It consists of a grid of custom-made FSR sensors (for detecting pressure) and vibration motors (for generating pressure).
In Follow Mode, an Empathy Suit wearer can be connected to any other Empathy Suit and experience every pressure sensation the person they are following is experiencing in real-time. In Playback Mode, the Empathy Suit wearer can relive “body memories” (time-series of pressure sensations) that have been recorded by previous Empathy Suit wearers.
Displayed on the show will be two Empathy Suits synchronized using Bluetooth LE through a laptop. Visitors will be invited to wear the suits, either in pairs in Follow Mode (one person following the other), or individually in Playback Mode. Behind the suits, on the wall, there will be visual and textual context, including related prior works.
Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.006, Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.003, Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.001, Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.002, Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.004, Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.005
]]>An interactive toy in which light imitates water!
Yeseul and I were both interested in creating a light sculpture for our midterm, and we decided to use a gyro sensor to use light to imitate water. This toy is a concept for a larger version that we would like to build sometime and place in Washington Square Park. This toy will change color depending on different behaviors, such as picking it up or tossing it in the air.
Continuing on my theme from my final project, we want to explore different ways in which a viewer can control “nature.” In my pcomp final project, Endless Winter, we use ultrasound sensors to control wind and snow. For this midterm, we use light and gravity to imitate controlling water.
Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.003
]]>“The difficulty that had to be overcome […] was to avoid all geometrical evidence. In other words, I had to start with a sort of intimacy of roundness.”<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
-Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space<br />
The distance between two individuals dictate a certain geometry,
therefore making visible the infinite interconnections in space.
Can we create a unit of measurement to study the morphology that connects all aspects of life, the worlds we share?
“Humans are beings that participate in spaces unknown to physics.Vital space can only be explained in terms of the priority of the inside: because humans cannot reside in a point, in the beginning there was the bubble.1”
In the meantime, please remember that I am standing an ADODA from you.
(1Peter Sloterdijk, Bubbles Spheres I, Semiotext(e))
Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.003, Introduction to Computational Media ITPG-GT.2233.005
]]>A light bulb that finds you and illuminates your way.
A single light bulb hangs from a mechanized rail watches for individuals moving through the space using a motion detection and tracking system. When the system finds an individual, the individual's location is used to control a motor which is attached to timing belts. The timing belts control a light bulb that is hanging from the rail which are fastened to the ceilings. This process causes the hanging light bulb to accompany the individual and provide them with an illuminated path.
Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.003, Introduction to Computational Media ITPG-GT.2233.001