Artificial Unintelligence

Shreiya Chowdhary

Robots moving on from their pasts and following their dreams.


Artificial Unintelligence is about 3 mechanical arms that represent the idea of moving on from what you were told to be. They are robots that have their own personalities that can be controlled by leap motion controllers.

Each bot is seen in their own room with surroundings they are comfortable having around. However, since they're learning on their own, their movement is somewhat a surprise.


Introduction to Physical Computing

8 Beat

Ayal Rosenberg

Beat designing toy. nothing more


The Idea came to me after hearing the CEO of “Little Bits” ,Ayah Bdeir.

I got excited on making something that's considered too complicated for someone who does not have a certain skill or experience. I also wanted to turn the drum-machine into something physical and playful, rather then the unapproachable professional products. I had a lot of iterations until I decided on the final one (I hope).The game includes a sequencer panel, tempo knob, a style/genre dial and magnets to place on the matrix and build the sequence.

the LEDs are giving the user the indication of the loop timing.

I'm using an Arduino to create the strings that are being sent to p5js on the computer. The p5 sketch is translating the strings into sounds. The user experience would be to simply put on the headphones and start placing the magnets in the matrix. then he can start exploring the sounds and the rhythm . I plan to put a few more headphones so other people could her what's happening.


Introduction to Computational Media, Introduction to Physical Computing

Music-Visual Scrolls

Brandon Kader

Paint Music and Visuals with a paintbrush


A musical instrument that plays sound and generates visuals projected on fabric. Sensors are attached at the top of the scrolls so that when the fabric is touched with the paintbrush, a sound is played and visuals pop up on the fabric. The system is in MAX/MSP/JITTER with analog input from a serial connection with Arduino. The sounds are composed in Logic and visuals are a combination of a particle system, composited video and p5.js.


Introduction to Physical Computing, New Interfaces for Musical Expression

Heart Sync

Ellen Nickles

Visualize your heartbeats and see if you can sync them with others!


Heart Sync visualizes the heartbeats of two people and encourages them to match their heart rates. Participants may also adjust the color of their pulse information to co-create the shared color field between them. Depending on their moods or personalities, it's either a calming, meditative moment or a playful, competitive game for two. All ages welcome.


Introduction to Computational Media, Introduction to Physical Computing

Cello Synth Control

Ahmad Arshad, Jesse Simpson

This is a sound installation where a cello is used to control a software synthesizer in the same pitch, with the ability to manipulate the sound via sensors.


The cello is played by a user and the pitch of each note is tracked in max/MSP and then translated to midi for triggering another synth sound of the same frequency in Ableton Live. A different user can then manipulate parameters of the synth patch by interacting with a series of knobs that send midi values via an arduino.


Introduction to Computational Media, Introduction to Physical Computing


Dan Oved

Presence is a kinetic sculpture that reveals features where a user is gazing.


Our eyes directly represent our presence and focus. The installation uses novel research in computer vision to detect where a user is gazing, and coalesces detail in that direction. It will encourage the user to stay focused and present by rewarding them with animations that become more pronounced the longer they look at a point.


Designing for Digital Fabrication, Introduction to Physical Computing

2077: Open Internet Archive

Samuel Hains

The year is 2077 and the internet has been reduced to a pile of trash.


It is the year 2077 and the 'free web' has been depreciated and discarded like an old pile of junk. An open source, radical political group maintains a public archive that can be accessed via telephone. In this sad future – a broken, anachronistic interface is all that is available for the user to experience what was once known as the 'free internet'.


Intro to Fabrication, Introduction to Physical Computing

The cosmos in the water

yiyao nie

Changing the flowing water, changing the cosmos by your hands.


This project is an interactive fountain. It has two separate water streams controlled by the movements of left and right hands, respectively. Light and music will evolve according to different hand movements as well. Audiences in this piece of work are not only participants but also observers. They contribute to the changes of the cosmos in the water, but they also reflect on the changes they make. The theme of the project lies in the traditional philosophy of Taoism: Yin and Yang. While interacting with the fountain, people may reflect on our relationships with nature: How should our relationship with nature be? Are we part of nature or isolated from it?


Introduction to Physical Computing

Sound Tent

Beverly Chou, Brandon Newberg

A playful, sensory space for two people to connect through interactions with sound and light.


A tent where two people can have a childlike experience with each other. Upon entering from either side, they find a console in the center, with 5 buttons and two knobs per person to make music. As the two users play more, the lights around them get brighter.


Introduction to Physical Computing

Poem of Rebirth

Haiyi Huang, Lu Wang

Interactive experience that evokes audience feelings the poem through visualization and sound.


Our installation (3ft x 6ft x 6ft, width x length x height) consists of three 3 x 6'frames, following the audio guide, participant will pass each frame one at a time, and the laser sensor at the bottom of each frame will trigger different projection as the participant passes. Visualization and sound are composed by my partner, Lu Wang, evolving the theme of rebirth.


Introduction to Physical Computing