
Huiyi Chen, Hee Gyung Sun

"A time that's changing all the time – it's time to go to time!" – DHMIS



What's time? Is time a logical thing? A project “Time” started from throwing simple questions about time and its standard – eventually evolving into the combination of physical piece and digital visualization about different time zones. The physical piece is consisted of two parts: inner cylinder that represents UTC Time Zone map, and outer sphere that is rotatable and contains light source. As the user rotates the outer sphere, and it creates movement in light. While the light is moving, the inner cylinder that has 24 light sensors for each longitude reacts to the changing brightness.

The physical piece will be installed on transparent and round table that I personally own, which approximately has 40” diameter and 30” height. People should be able to walk around the table and see the cylinder time zone map inside the sphere. The digital visualization will be projected from underneath the table; due to its transparency, the table is able to directly show the visualization on is top surface. In this way, people can view both physical and digital piece without being distracted.

When the light shifts from one time zone to another, the digital visualization reflects the movement as well by changing gallery of skylines. Those skylines are from survey towards ITP community regarding which cities they came from, and organized according to the longitude location.


Intro to Fabrication, Introduction to Computational Media, Introduction to Physical Computing