Stephanie Hagemeister

ViBreather is an embodied mediation, sending vibrations along the spine which respond to user's inhales and exhales, enabling a radical experience of the subtle body.


“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” Viktor Frankl, Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist, and Holocaust survivor. Increasing unconscious awareness allows more opportunities for choice in re-action to life events rather than the typical automatic reactions. I am interested in breath awareness because I believe it to be key for becoming aware of the unconscious. Breath unconsciously moves through the body until attention is brought to it, when it can then be consciously manipulated, or as in some mediation practices, consciously held attention while allowing the breath to remain unconsciously controlled. The vest is designed to bring the subtle experience of breathing to the external body in a radical way to aid users in attuning to their breath and the way it moves through the body. Furthermore, it encourages diaphragmatic breathing, a technique used to calm an activated central nervous system, and reduce symptoms commonly associated with stress, which may include high blood pressure, headaches, stomach conditions, depression, anxiety, and others. The Intention of Vibreather is to encourage greater breath and body awareness, and ultimately aid in creating an embodied meditative state. Five vibrating motors are placed along the spine over the “chakras”, which according to yoga philosophy are the energy centers of the body, which the motors stimulate.


Introduction to Physical Computing


Nicolás Peña-Escarpentier, Stephanie Hagemeister

In an era of information bombardment, do we reflect on what we’re being told?


An open newspaper with four changing projected videos of different highly streamed media content (political news, advertisement, celebrities, etc) emulates the bombardment of information we’re subjected to every day. The content is too small to be seen accurately from far away, and the superposition of sounds makes it incomprehensible. But as soon as someone comes close to try to understand the presented “information”, the newspaper closes, eliminating the videos and replacing them by white noise. This state persists until we step away for a while (a few seconds), only to start again.

This project wants to create a reflection on the “click-driven” format of current news media. The focus is not on giving accurate information, but on generating traffic and revenue. Our society has become accustomed to this format, accepting the content we’re fed. But, on a closer inspection, we realize this content is non-existant.

This also incorporates a reflection on the lack of accountability of news media. Apart from feeding us with empty content, any confrontation is futile, as they go back to their usual operation as soon as the user goes away.


Introduction to Physical Computing