A sound installation that explores the relationship between two people by connecting the physical act of pulling to music.
This project is a sound installation that explores the relationship between two people by connecting the physical act of pulling to music.
As the two participants negotiate their mutual physical equilibrium music responds to the surges in tension, releases, and twists highlighting the nature of their relationship. While the installation affords this personal experience to the participants it also serves as a performance for a larger audience to engage with.
Two wooden handles hang suspended at chest height, connected to each other with a simple band.
We invite participants to explore the subtle musical shifts in tone and harmonic texture throughout the varying positions and tensions afforded by the installation.
Introduction to Physical Computing, The Code of Music
]]>A man stands behind a sonified web. Is he playing? Or is he trapped?
A performance and sound installation. The installation is a large “web” of latex tubing stretched between two frames. As the strings of the web are plucked, stretched, or pulled, they give rise to sounds ranging from the pleasant to the unbearable.
New Interfaces for Musical Expression
]]>Lightbox is a unique space in universe that uses light to send music signal.
New Interfaces for Musical Expression
]]>A disbanded warrior relives the motions of battle for the last time.
A musical performance exploring the narrative of a warrior who has been washed out by the tides of war. In his journey he attempts to shake the images of the past. In order to move on, he must conquer his battle ridden mind. The pounding of nerves, terrors in the night, and broken sound resonates through hand made instruments and mechanical inputs.
New Interfaces for Musical Expression