Two series of small woven tapestries. One set by Ashley, one set by a machine learning model.
The first computer was modelled after the Jacquard Loom. Female weavers like Ani Albers, and many others, perfected the use of the loom while both inadvertently and directly developing algorithms that went on to influence the functionality of computers. I am deeply interested in the hidden narrative of women and soft textiles at the origin of (masculine) computing and hardware. I like the idea of feeding computation back into weaving as a way of unravelling our common understanding of tech and honouring those women. Using Runway and ml5, I fed a machine learning model a collection of Ani Albers weaving patterns to create a set of “Probable Weavings” and then wove those patterns. In the time it takes to weave these works, I thought deeply about the influence of women on computation as well as the limits of algorithms to understand materiality and space.
Machine Learning for the Web
]]>A fun exercise game built combining machine learning & an Arduino.
From machine learning models requiring a massive computational power to run, we went to have them run in browsers. Now smaller versions of the models can be run in Arduinos which are smaller than 2 inches. An experiment wherein I ask the question, what happens when we move beyond human-machine interaction to a point where we are part machine. A simple exercise game where people practice punching in a small amount of time to advance through levels.
Machine Learning for the Web
]]>Get exercise with simple and fun web-based games. For instance, play whack a mole with your nose👃.
We see people are spending a lot of time on their screen and in the shop but didn't get a chance to exercise. So we created a game to get people to move in front of the screen, or simply just get away from your work for a little while and exercise in a fun way. “Whack a Mole” is a physical game developed with PoseNet. And we aim to build a series of fun and simple web-based games, thus “Web Olympic”.
Machine Learning for the Web