UX Design

March 4th, 2022 from 11:30 – 12:30 PM EST moderated by Tora Thuland

Live Recording of UX Design Panel



UX Manager at Shopify. Formerly worked at Salesforce and a couple small IoT startups. ITP Class of 2014. I had a pre-ITP career as a digital marketing analyst at ad agencies R/GA and Digitas. I live and work remotely out of Bend, Oregon.


Sue Ngo (ITP class of 2011) is a senior interaction designer at Google working on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning solutions. Before Google, she has had a range of diverse experiences from designing for products like IBM Watson to designing interactive dinosaur exhibits at the Witte History Museum.  Sue currently lives in Brooklyn, New York. 


Hi, my name is Ilwon Yoon, ITP class of 2014. I am currently working as a Product Designer for Meta (formerly known as Facebook) and have been working as a product designer (or UX designer) ever since graduating from ITP.  Interestingly, I have no design background neither taking any design related classes at ITP as my initial focus of joining ITP was to become an interactive media artist. Happy to chat about my career path with you :).