
Equitable ITP/IMA represents the ongoing efforts for equity and inclusivity within our department, and with regards to our impact beyond our department.

Equitable ITP/IMA has taken many forms: initially starting as an ad-hoc task force in 2020 meant to bring together various departmental efforts, Equitable ITP/IMA has been active as a formalized Faculty Committee since 2022.

The efforts of Equitable ITP/IMA have resulted in several ongoing projects and outcomes, including:

  • the co-creation and maintenance of Community Guidelines (initially co-created student group Tech and Society)
  • the Equitable Syllabus Project
  • the inclusion and distribution of of equitable pedagogy guidelines for adjunct professors
  • recommendations for more equitable practices at all levels of the department, from admissions, to scholarships, course proposals, and beyond
  • facilitation of workshops and focus groups with community members (including Facutly, Staff, and Students)
  • the development of a cohesive mission with regards to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • participation with Tisch and NYU-wide efforts including the Tisch IDBEA committee and various faculty trainings
  • maintaining an active space for reflection, conversation, and growth

This work takes persistence and ongoing efforts at all levels. Please reach out if you would like to find a way to contribute to these efforts!

In Solidarity,

the Equitable Faculty Committee

(last updated April 2024)