Category Archives: Luke DuBois

Sing Into City

Xinyi Deng, Qingyuan Chen

Want to know how the city looks like in your voice? Come and check!


It is our project for Live Image Processing and Performing class. We use Max/MSP to track the parameters of the sound and draw skylines according to these parameters. The higher frequency of the sound is, for example, the taller building user could draw and see. After saying something or singing a song, user will get a beautiful piece of paper which has several buildings on it, in other words, the skyline of your voice.


Live Image Processing and Performance

Mini Biggie Smalls Hologram

Edwin Reed-Sanchez, Jinyi Fu, Jacob Wilkinson

A hologram memorial to the Legendary Biggie Smalls, aka Notorious BIG.


In 2012 Tupac appeared at Coachella in a live holographic performance.
In 2014 Biggie Smalls gets resurrected for ITP Spring show.


Live Image Processing and Performance

Mnemonic Table

Saki Hayashi

Mnemonic Table is a smart building sets which memorises all the past configurations, display them online and connects social networking.


By creating different combinations of a piece of space, the players can develop their spatial language and poetry making ability, as well as social skills with other players. The players can place landscapes, people, and animals and keep displaying it in your house.

Initially what inspired me to create “Mnemonic Table” was the game of the chess. Specifically, the fact that there are so many people that have created various versions of the same figurines that represent the same pieces of play. The popularity of the game involves much more than just the theory behind it: tactile feedback, the materiality, the shape and the appearance of pieces also play a great role. Consequentially, architectural toys have always been quite popular from childhood to adulthood such as Eams’ ‘House of Cards’, Terada Mokei, and Legos. I wanting to create a new architectural educational-tech toy, as I am wondering why there are not more that are not more that exist at present.


Live Image Processing and Performance, Project Development Studio (Marina Zurkow)

Sonic Scrolls

Jason Sigal

An interactive musical notation and performance system based on color and shape.


Sonic Scrolls is a notation system that generates music from drawings. The colors red, green and blue each represent a different musical instrument, and correspond with lower or higher pitches depending on their position in the “Sonic Scroll.”

You can draw a Sonic Scroll using red, green and blue pens and the templates I have provided. You are invited to perform your scroll with the “Scroll Singer”, a modified overhead projector by which you may control the speed and direction of playback. I designed a paper template for the Sonic Scrolls using Adobe Illustrator, and laser cut a piece of plexiglass to secure the webcam atop the Scroll Singer. I wrote the program in Max/MSP/Jitter.

I tested the first iteration earlier this year at a Beam Center workshop for kids. The primary feedback I received in my testing was that the character of a shape should impact the quality of its sound. For example, a jagged shape should sound more jagged, a big shape should be louder, and a long shape should have a slower decay. I am working with blob detection in computer vision to achieve this in my revamped Max/MSP/Jitter patch. I also developed a more engaging visual representation that I will project onto a wall. If the project is selected for the show, I would also take this opportunity to refine the physical interface of the Scroll Singer. Thank you for your consideration!


Live Image Processing and Performance

Play The Game – evolution

Mary Fe

A movements sampler fed by celebration dance moves and modified by the audience with a foam finger.


An evolution from my NIME project, now for Live Image Processing Class. A sampler instrument triggered by movement. I dress up as an NFL Player and play music doing celebration dance moves. Audience can play too, passing around giant index foam finger that will work as a mouse cursor and change the pitch.


Live Image Processing and Performance