Category Archives: Clio Davis

Selections from Comics

Clio Davis, Sharang Biswas, Chinazo Rena Anakwe, Devin Curry, Sharon De La Cruz, Allen Yu, Elyssa Dole, Joelle Fleurantin, Marcelo Esteban Espinoza Bravo, Alejandro Puentes Amezquita, Caroline Sinders

A diverse collection of works created by students with wildly different styles in this spring's Comics class.


This exhibition of works produced in Tracy White’s Comics class features pieces created by students using a wide range of artistic and storytelling techniques. Over seven weeks students explored different approaches to telling stories using pictures and words, and by the end each completed several short comics in their own unique styles that they had honed during the course. The collection gathered for the showcase contains everything from epic wars fought both on the battlefield and within the minds of soul-wracked characters, journeys into the underworld, as well as into the depths of the supermarket, and tales of betrayal, suspense, and children befriending monsters through the power of candy. Some of the works were drawn by hand using pen and paper while others were created with tablets and Photoshop. The students submitting works are from ITP, the Game Center, Steinhardt, and Stern and include Sharon De La Cruz, Devin Curry, Sharang Biswas, Marcelo Bravo, Elyssa Dole, Rena Anakwe, Alejandro Puentes, Clio Davis, Joelle Fleurantin, Allen Yu, and Caroline Sinders. Comics will be displayed as posters, some in black and white and others in color.

