Category Archives: Jiaying Peng

Piñata Rush

dexter miranda, Jiaying Peng

A game where you play a prospector in the wild wild west searching for ghost piñata's using your maracas as a weapon.


Piñata Rush is a social game and is best played with a large group of people. It's an absurdist game where you play a prospector in the wild wild west searching for ghost piñata's using your maracas as a weapon (think of the California gold rush but instead of gold the player searches for piñata's)

The game is played on two screen. The first screen (ideally on a large screen) contains the game map where all the prospector sees each other roaming the desert. the second screen is the prospectors mobile phone (iPhone / android) the phone acts as the players maracas used to explore the map and summon ghost piñata's


Mashups – Creating With Web APIs, The Nature of Code

Ridiculous Programming

Jiaying Peng

yeah this is ridiculous


Imagine your drawing can also become your instructions for coding! Use your free hand drawing to control the behavior of certain shapes on the screen. Your drawings? Your thoughts!


Governing Dynamics of Software: The Design and Implementation of Programming Languages