Category Archives: Kina Smith

Talking Fabrics, Popping Paper

Kelly Saxton, Gladys Chan, Uttam Grandhi, Danqing Wang, Rucha Patwardhan, Sharon De La Cruz, Kina Smith, Alina Balean

Talking Fabrics, Popping Paper is a group showcase from students working beyond the craft tradition, using paper and fabrics in curious ways to tell their stories.


Talking Fabrics, Popping Paper is a sample of work from students who took Talking Fabrics and/or Paper Pop-ups this semester. The display will be three shelves: one shelf of white mockups from pop-ups, one shelf of full color final projects from pop-ups, and one shelf of smaller works from Talking Fabrics. Ideally these shelves are located in a corner, and are wall mounted for a gallery-style presentation, but a mobile shelf unit is possible. The pop-up books that can be handled will be low enough for people to browse through them. Currently nine different students have offered work, and works are fairly small, so each shelf would be approximately 36″ long x 12″ deep. Paper works shown will include a model of the Burj Kalifa, instructions on how to get an elephant into a refrigerator, a short tale about the tuna fishing industry, and a pop-up glowing fungus lamp, among others. The soft lab based work will include hand-spun wool work, a ball gown for a water balloon, and a couture hood made from fabric printed in traditional African patterns, among other things. Works will be curated and installed by Kelly Saxton.


Making Pop-Up Books and Paper Engineering, Talking Fabrics

Song Logger

Kina Smith

A solar powered autonomous audio recorder and weather station for bird research.


This data logger is headed up to Alaska this summer to be deployed as part of a USGS study of migrating bird populations and how climate change is effecting the Boreal-Arctic transition zone.

The Alaskan arctic and boreal ecosystems provide important breeding habitat for more than half of North America’s migratory birds. Northern landscapes are projected to experience more pronounced climate-related changes in habitat than most other regions. Changing habitat conditions, in turn, may have significant effects on the distribution and abundance of wildlife in these critical northern ecosystems. Birds are useful indicators for climate change because they are widely distributed, samples are collected by similar methods, and they occupy a wide variety of habitats including wetlands, forests, and shrublands.

