Pamela Liou
Exploring new structures in textile fabrication with additive manufacturing
Using scripting and panelization tools in a suite of software,
Talking Fabrics
Exploring new structures in textile fabrication with additive manufacturing
Using scripting and panelization tools in a suite of software,
Talking Fabrics
This course challenges students to combine three technologies – object-oriented programming, 3D modeling and digital fabrication – toward making an everyday data object.
Sculpting Data into Everyday Objects is designed, on the one hand, as pure creative experimentation with technical tools, and on the other hand, as exercise in critical thinking and conceptual strategy. The ultimate goal of this course for each student, in attempting to converge these two processes, to develop a dual attitude towards technology that will empower them to master any tool as a vehicle for expression.
Sculpting Data into Everyday Objects
A zone to explore all things flying camera-related, from drone documentaries to dronies, the new trend sweeping the internet. &
The drone zone has two parts.
1) A screen where people can view our documentary, “Bell Labs: Decline of a Tech Titan,” which includes flying camera footage.
2) A dronie (drone selfie) making station where we set up an AR drone within a net if that is preferred, and help people take a pictures of themselves with the AR drone. We will utilize opencv with the drone so that people can add hats and ears to their selfies, and have a twitter feed of the selfies.
We will also have a DJI drone out (which we will not use) to show inquiring minds the tool we used to make the documentary.
Flying Robotic Journalism