Every Vote is my contribution and proposed solution to leveraging voices and ensuring equal rights in the voter registration process.
Imagine a future where every voter counts. With chained technologies we don't have to wait for government infrastructure and policies to develop in order to rapidly register citizens to vote. At present only 19 states have a complete online registration cycle, with many of them requiring driver's licenses as a means to register to vote. Every Vote is a user-friendly, cross platform tool that leverages technologies in order to universalize voter registration.
]]>What if I can make “clock time” an organic sense of my body, what if it eventually becomes an intuitive feeling of time adding a new sense to my perception of reality. i created a wearable device that would “feed” time data continuously through the skin (tactioception) until it becomes a part of me. Then I may try and alter the fed data and perhaps manipulate time…
I want to know what time it is without a conscious intervention. I don’t like to wear a watch. I want it to be a 6th sense. The first stage of this goal is to embed a sense of time in my body. To do this, I created a wearable device that translates clock time into a haptic pattern language mapped to the hour of the day, using my skin as the interface. The haptic stimulus is created through tiny vibratory motors molded in silicone situated along the 24 pre-sacral vertebrae along my back. This is not meant as a consumer product, but a behavioral experiment or speculative design. A kind of Pavlovian training. Later, if time become an innate sensation, I may try to mess with my mind by changing the data and the intervals, making a minute longer or shorter (or dynamically varying!).
]]>Shake your memories from your mobile phone into the Pensieve!
Pensieve is a concept from Harry Potter, where wizards could pull their memories out of their head, put it into the Pensieve and look at it from a third-person perspective. In our non-magic, muggles’ world, I want to recreate this experience with the mobile phone as our wand. An app will read the photos on the phone and project a list of places the user has been to. The user could choose a place and shake the photo into the Pensieve!
]]>Liminal Space explores the creation of a temporary environment through collective motion, lights and sounds, transporting participants from their everyday reality to a meaningful shared experience.
In rituals and sacred experiences, liminality refers to a threshold of consciousness, the boundary between ordinary and alternate reality. It’s that place where our non-rational, imaginative, open-hearted self takes over.
Liminal Space seeks to create an experience that sacralizes space, time and the connection among people through their active participation. It is composed of an arrangement of vertical translucent fabrics, dynamic lights and sounds that react to people’s gestures using their mobile phones.
The device we carry in our pocket acquires a new meaning throughout the experience. It allows people to interact with the dynamic environment and with one another, improvising a ritual that creates, for a moment, an imaginary shared world.
Live Web, Thesis
]]>Passtime creates a space along the bottom of your browser for interactive avatars so close friends can hangout and share content and conversations in realtime and stay connected in a more natural and fun way.
Passtime gives life to your friends online with avatars you can control and customize in your web browser. Passtime introduces a new dynamic of sharing, live sharing. Experience videos, songs and articles in realtime with your friends to connect in new ways. It's as if they're sitting near you on their own computers. Your friends are always with you without being obtrusive or in the way.
]]>"Breathe In" is an interactive story in virtual reality, telling the tale of a young man who learns to breathe underwater. As part of my ITP thesis, I explored how to tell a compelling story in VR that could elicit emotions powerful enough to bring back into the real world.
“Breathe In” takes the principles of storytelling and adapts them to VR, exploring whether narnrative’s ability to create emotional response can be magnified through a more immersive medium. Personal experience generates the strongest emotions, and VR may possess the power to tell stories that offer something closer to personal experience.
The story centers around Alex, a new father grappling with boredom. When he learns he can breathe underwater, he begins secretly escaping into an underwater world for longer and longer. On the night of his daughter’s first birthday, he makes a choice with tragic consequences.
My goal is for viewers to feel as if they themselves experienced Alex’s story, and to interpret and internalize his fate.
]]>The Humanoid Audio Lens is a silicone rubber throat which can articulate sound much like a human.
HAL (Humanoid Audio Lens) is a project inspired by how a resonator box functions. When sound passes through a resonator box it becomes naturally amplified. The size and shape of the box is important to produce different harmonic outputs. HAL is a resonator box made of silicone rubber and can change size and shape, and even produce vowel and consanant sounds.
]]>PRISMATIME is a product that expresses time using ambient colored light.
PRISMATIME is a product that expresses time using ambient colored light. Through fluid color changes, this timekeeping system attempts to ease our tense relationship with time, and maybe help us feel less enslaved by the clock.
]]>Flickering Existence is an artwork that includes a series of portraits generated by a computational portraiture tool developed by Chang Liu that facilitates an intimate experience between a participant and the machine.<br />
Flickering Existence is a multi-platform art work that seeks to create an intimate experience between participants and a portraiture engine that generates portraits. The final portraits are collected into a book with personal annotations by the artist.
Each portrait is captured by a camera that acts as the ‘painter’s eyes’. An algorithm serves as the ‘painter’s brush’. Both work together to create an abstraction that emerges into a human form. The final state of the portrait is determined by me, the artist.
With these new computations tools, I hope to capture the specific moment, personality and emotion both of the subjects and me. The portrait’s generation involved music, movement, writing, posture and conversations throughout the process.
]]>Installation that creates an atmosphere with light and sound
SANTUARIO is an installation that invites you to calm down and take a break from your busy day by day, an environment that will facilitate turning down the noise in your head. The quieter you are the more SANTUARIO will reveal itself. Light reflections that move around the space encourage a meditative state. When motion is detected, the piece will slowly start shutting down, until stillness in the room resumes. Being isolated from all the different activities and information you get in the city even for a short while will help you calm down, begin to relax…it might help you to think more clearly, find that answer you were looking for.
Thesis, Reinventing the Wheel