My Heart on My Dress is a bespoke connected garment that visualizes my daily experiences and emotions through dynamic changing colors and patterns. Real-time text analysis of my digital diary influences the design of the dress.
Garments are diaries – different dresses say different things, some garments connect us to specific memories, we personalize our clothing the same way we personalize the pages of our journals.
My Heart on My Dress is a novel expression of these themes. It explores personal expression and a narrative version of quantified self through a combination of traditional textiles with innovative technologies.
The custom-made dress is screen printed with thermochromatic ink and wired with soft circuits and thermal patches. Its patterns and colors transform based on data analyzed from a personal diary app.
Rest of You, Thesis
]]>In designing software to simulate physical activities we must consider how to make the experiences authentic to their real world analogs. This project attempts to recreate the sensation of working in clay in the context of a 3D modeling environment.
Today, most design work is conducted using computerized tools. There are, of course, significant conveniences gained by forgoing traditional physical media, but in the transition we have severed the special connection a designer shares with their materials. Many artists and designers choose to augment their computing experiences by using tools like digital graphics tablets, but the sensation is not far removed from working with a mouse. These solutions are effective in a two dimensional workspace, but once a third dimension is involved, the tools at hand become inadequate. My project attempts to remedy those inadequacies by simulating the haptic sensations of manipulating a block of clay in the context of a 3D modeling environment.
]]>Potato Glasses are a wearable device designed to ease anxiety during public speaking. Biosensor feedback triggers the device, which shows humorous visualizations. While a set of digital eyes maintain visual connection with the audience.
Social behavior is a very important part in our daily lives. For example, conversation connects us with others. In ITP, two areas I'm interested in are helping people to create better social interactions and visualizing people's personal data. I'm interested in these topics because I'd like to know how conversations shape ourselves and affect the audience.
Potato Glasses is a headset worn by a speaker, which contains a mobile phone, microcontroller, and two battery-operated OLED screens. It’s connected to a pulse sensor, which collects heart rate data. A high pulse, associated with nervousness, activates the device.
Inside the headset, an augmented reality application detects the audience’s faces and replaces them with potatoes. It also displays the scripted presentation. The exterior OLED screens show a pair of digital eyes that reflect the users.
The device enhances the speaker’s and audience’s experience – the speaker is able to ease their communication anxiety by avoiding direct eye contact and focusing on their script. And the audience gets a better presentation.
]]>Aware chair is an interactive object about the human sitting posture. A majority of people spend a large part of their time sitting on a chair. But we forget our sitting posture. The project helps people to aware their posture with humorous way.
In the modern society, a majority of people spend a large part of their time sitting on a chair. However, they always forget their bad sitting posture. However, it causes serious problems. How can we be aware of our bad sitting posture with humorous way?
Aware chair helps people be aware of their bad sitting posture. It visualizes their posture with screen and mouse pointer and bothers them to use a computer when they are sitting with bad sitting posture. Another way is the project push people fall down. This way of being aware of sitting posture make people laugh or annoy. This can be a better way to be aware of them than traditional information visualization.
]]>p5.playground is an interactive debug tool for p5js which allows people to manipulate shapes on canvas in real time and visually understand a lot of the math that goes behind drawing stuff on canvas. This tool exists as a live coding p5 editor.
Designers or people who are familiar with graphic user interfaces think about lines and locations differently from mathematicians and programmers. From example, How do people draw a curve?
Designers are really good at using tools like Illustrator. It has a lot of nifty interface features to draw like – rulers, guides, grid system, and we can also manipulate shapes (move, resize, rotate them) on the canvas in real time.
On the other hand, with many code-based drawing tools, like p5 or processing, we usually start with, estimating of the coordinate system in our brain, and then guess our way out of the initial x, y position to draw something. After executing the program we see how close we get and we probably need to edit the code again. All this seems fine as long as we have a basic knowledge of the coordinate system and are experienced with code-based drawing tools. But people who are beginners often find this process overwhelming and adding frame based animations to such drawings becomes even more complicated.
However, using computation to make art is much more powerful in terms of how complex and dense a digital piece of art can be made. So I felt like there should be a way to have a WYSIWYG tool that allows us to code faster, better by helping us understand the code visually.
With p5.playground, when the playground mode is turned on, people can –
1. See rulers and guidelines on the canvas, and shows objects’ and mouse’s x, y position in real time.
2. Manipulate the shapes on the canvas in real time and see the code updated immediately.
In addition, the web-based editor is also a live coding environment that allows people to see the outcome of their code in real time; which can shorten and enhance the programming progress.
Hacking the Browser, Thesis
]]>Through an interactive installation, users are exposed to a series of 3D printed sculptures of once-professional dancers and watch them come to life.
Chol (Phoenix) is a collective memoir of past dancers, a preservation piece that has packaged memories in a material way true to the individual. Through the piece, a series of 3D sculptures of dancers from varying genres, in a range of poses, each colored with eclectic patterns, unique to their style and personality are revitalized in the form of a holographic video
]]>Peeqo is a personal desktop robotic assistant who expresses himself through GIFs.
As human beings we have always been fascinated by robots and whether we like to accept it or not we have this inherent desire to connect with them. However the aspirations of bringing robots into our home have remained largely unfulfilled. Despite widespread industrial adoption, in the home the most popular robot continues to be the Roomba vacuum. My thesis is an attempt at designing a robot around emotion, expression and movement to make it more relatable. I’ve named him Peeqo and he interacts through a unique voice and GIF based interface. Think of him as the love child of Amazon Echo and your favorite Disney character, combining the best of both worlds to create a robotic character that is truly expressive, approachable and engaging.
]]>How a computer seeks, interprets internet dance and represents them as an artistic form, a form you can just get, not process.
ReStage provides a new perspective of finding and looking at dance. It generates meta media for dance using web crawling, natural language processing and searching. Then represents these meta media by remixing them into different artistic forms.
]]>Dope Engineering + Math Tales is an effort to make STEM content entertaining, interactive, approachable and resourceful for underserved students.
Dope Engineering + Math Tales (DEM Tales) is an interactive, animated, STEM enriched mobile platform. DEM Tales is a call-to-action project to give support and an alternative curriculum to underserved students.
Underserved students attend schools that lack extra resources, quality teachers and funding. This results in students not achieving academic milestones compared to students at private schools. Underserved students usually need more support and guidance to achieve these academic milestones. DEM Tales is an effort to provide a resource to these types of students at their convenience, and make a difference in their lives.
DEM Tales contains a collection of animated episodes. These episodes present STEM content in a mixture of popular colloquialisms and interaction. Users are held accountable if they wish to reach the conclusions of each episode. For example, if the user is watching an episode, it will pause at a certain point. The user will be prompted to drag and drop an item to a designated portion on the screen. The episode will not continue until this action is performed.
]]>Entanglement is a system of sculptural objects that expose and create relationships.
Developing a series of pairs of objects that have interesting relationships to one another.
Prototyping Electronic Devices , Prototyping Electronic Devices , Thesis