Kanye's Quest

Joakim G Quach, Kathleen S Temrowski, Michelle Hessel

Kanye West: A Quest is an interactive storytelling experiment merging music, interaction and popular culture. The game was built using Unity 2D and the matching game controller was built using Arduino Leonardo.



Kanye West: A Quest is an interactive storytelling experiment merging music, interaction and popular culture. The game was built using Unity 2D and the matching game controller was built using Arduino Leonardo. It is a side-scrolling Super Mario allusion to Kanye's Quest to become the best artist of all time, built out with a full arcade cabinet.


Digital Fabrication for Arcade Cabinet Design

3D Image Exploring

Joakim G Quach

Exploring images through interactive 3D manipulation.



This project is an exploration of how we can reveal and play with images, using depth from the physical world. Each image is layered in different depths, and are revealed only at that depth. The images are shown through projecting on 3D cubes, which move in space based on input from the Kinect.


The World-Pixel by Pixel