
Ivy Huang, Joohyun Lee, Ridwan Madon

An Interactive Experience for users to understanding the imbalance situation in human brain.


The brain has a lot of diversity, in the terms of the type of cells that exist within it. It contain neurons that act as the main communication line. These neurons talked to each other using chemical and electrical signals. Amongst neurons, there are different cell types. The largest classification divides neurons into those that are excitatory and inhibitory. From our project, users will understanding this profound scientific knowledge with a very fun game and interactive with brainwave.


Playful Communication of Serious Research


Ridwan Madon

Mimosa is a wearable technology jewellery for women to distract creepy stares on their bustline.


Inspired by the mechanics of a mimosa plant, the project reflects on the sole purpose of the wearable piece. Mimosa was made for women who are confident of their body, but feels uncomfortable when they receive stares on their bust line. Mimosa is triggered and controlled by the user as and whe she feels her space is being invaded. Using only her phone and bluetooth to trigger the servo motor, the piece creates an extention of the user ability to shield herself from this unjustified behaviour.


Expressive Interfaces: Introduction to Fashion Technology, Project Development Studio