
Archive for May, 2008

Susan Buck

Online micro-blogging platform where users can track their moods over time.

Currently, the Internet is rampant with user generated content and personal documentation. Users upload their pictures to online photo sharing sites such as Flickr, post their activities to the micro-blogging platform Twitter, and track their “friends” and associations on social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook. This is just...CONTINUE READING »

Keith Conway

Why are people motivated to participate in online communities?

This thesis uses information culled from Internet users’ participation patterns to explore why individuals are motivated to take part in online communities. By viewing this data in conjunction with traditional sociological and psychological theories of group participation, I attempt to extrapolate the elements necessary to create online communities that...CONTINUE READING »
Wednesday, May 7th, 2008
Hechinger, Nancy,Keith Conway,Projects,Thesis,Thesis Spring 2008 | Comments Off on Keith Conway

Michael Dory

The mental walls we develop to protect ourselves from the sensory data we\'re flooded by every day can leave us deaf to the details of our own lives. Ambient Amplifiers are devices which seek to bring attention to what we miss in a calming and useful way.

Cities are filled with information — every street bleeds data in every conceivable form, emanating from taxis, sirens, conversations, not to mention the data flowing from every cell phone, laptop and music device. This sort of flood can’t possibly be parsed, leaving city dwellers to develop mental walls to...CONTINUE READING »

Lucas Longo

Pocket Learning is an experiment on mobile education. It is an application for the iPhone with example lessons on taking better pictures with the iPhone.
The lessons use short procedural instructions, self-paced lessons, interactive examples and participatory exercises to demonstrate the potential of the platform. Users interested in the topic can also participate by submitting their photographs to be reviewed by their peers or experts in the subject matter.
The application is designed to take advantage of the rich multi-media capabilities of the iPhone, its intuitive and revolutionary interface, as well as its connectivity and many sensors (camera, tilt-sensor, geo-positioning).

Tuesday, May 6th, 2008
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Eric Chiu

A collaborative platform helping people with their writings.

CantStopGoing.com helps all users to write stuff easier!
Such as Cover Letters, Recommendation Letters and all sorts of stories.
Monday, May 5th, 2008
Eric Chiu,Greer, Heather,Projects,Thesis,Thesis Spring 2008 | Comments Off on Eric Chiu

Raphael Zollinger

The inDOOR Energy Harvester is a low cost, low profile mechanism that converts rotational kinetic energy from opening and closing a door to usable electricity whose progress can be dynamically graph and monitored from a website.

From the time you wake up in the morning to eating, walking, even sitting at a desk, you are generating energy. What if we could harness and harvest our actions, turn our comings and goings into an unconscious power plant? In my thesis, I am exploring the potential these...CONTINUE READING »

Huey-Tang Tsai

[Groovy Hand] allows DJ to use hand gesture & head shaking to manipulate music. These gestures visualize how DJ play music, and also ask for sound from audience to generate interactive entertaining experience.

DJ is such a important role of dance music since 1906. Unfortunately most of the DJ don\'t have a chance to to manipulate music with gestures because DJ electronic instrument are mostly just knobs and buttons. With Groovy Hand, the new musical instrument, DJ can easily manipulate songs with gestures,...CONTINUE READING »

Scott Varland

A Metaconnector is a machine that transcends purely algorithmic attempts at defining human connections, in order to provide more meaningful feedback about the state of our real world relationships.

I am interested in an exploration of how data about human proximity and reputation correlates to and influences a social network, and how this information is processed from both an egocentric and sociocentric perspective. Can a social area network be constructed within a physical social sphere that understands node...CONTINUE READING »

Soyoung Park

\’Waves of Leaves\’ is an interactive, reactive, kinetic ceramic sculpture that is made of clay. By detecting the proximity of the viewer, and by implication the viewer’s gaze, the sculpture reacts by showing gentle movements. The piece is intended to address the concerns of beauty in natural forms and materials, and a controlled form of minimal interaction in technologically augmented art.

Monday, May 5th, 2008
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Jennifer Refat

A user generated website where site members can submit, find and vote on the best craft tutorials.

Craftic.com is a community where users are able to share how-to guides on making items of their own creation. This site is intended for non commercial use, where users are encouraged to use Creative Commons Licenses to promote the sharing aspect of the site, as well as for others users...CONTINUE READING »
Monday, May 5th, 2008
Barton, Jake,Jennifer Refat,Projects,Thesis,Thesis Spring 2008 | Comments Off on Jennifer Refat