
Front Page

Anjali Patel

The news you want to use.

The media in the United States is generally well known for only covering news topics that are relevant to its interests and/or providing a narrow perspective on them. My goal is to create a prototype of a website that will allow users to input and/or rearrange news topics in order to create, in essence, a virtual front page of a newspaper. This "front page" will give importance to "underexposed" topics by having users place those at the top of the page (where the headlines normally are) and pushing the "overexposed" topics to the bottom. In addition, some of these topics may link to audio clips of people voicing their opinions about that particular issue while others might link to video clips relating to the issue in some way.

SAJA (South Asian Journalists' Association)
Public opinions

Anybody who is interested in world news.

This project is a website that incorporates audio and video. The content consists of topics that were gathered from the public in two stages: (1) with a bulletin board where users physically submitted their topics written on post-it notes, which they could then move around on the board relative to previously submitted topics and (2) with an online wiki where users typed in their topics in relation to other previously submitted topics. This content was then transferred onto the website to get the prototype underway.