Human In Mirror

Chang Gao

Human In Mirror gives the user an experience to live the life they desire on Instagram.



What do you want you Instagram look like? Are we really who we are on social media network? Human In Mirror will give the user a special interaction experience on the social media concept. The interaction starts when user stand on the acrylic rugs. Based on the social filter they choose (Ep: popular, famous, rich, etc), different video will show up underneath the transparency mask generated by facial recognition of the user him/herself. When the interaction finish, everything turn off while the mirror is on the other half of the screen the whole time during interaction.


Comm Lab: Animation, Computational Portraiture, Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.006, Introduction to Computational Media ITPG-GT.2233.007, Mapping Systemic Relationships, Applications

cat toy

Jinhee Ahn

Make a cat chase a ball with a joystick


A user control a joystick to move a ball image on the screen of a laptop. It will be shown on a floor by projector, and a cat could chase the ball and the user control its direction with the joystick. I'll make a documentation video of user test, and will show the video on the show. Also, the cat toy will be shown in the show, and people could move a ball in person.


Introduction to Computational Media ITPG-GT.2233.003, Applications, Comm Lab: Video and Sound ITPG-GT.2001.004, Intro to Fabrication, Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.005