interaction between the physical and the virtual objects
Focused on the interaction between the physical input and the virtual output. Audience can interact with the tangible controller to control the physical wind, and at the same time, the virtual cloth on screen could be influenced.
Intro to Fabrication, Introduction to Computational Media ITPG-GT.2233.002, Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.003
]]>Feel how many people’s happiness are ignored in most countries around the world just because they are not the majority at a glance. An installation concern about LGBTQ topic that is more powerful than any data visualization.
[What is it?]
It’s a physical installation from Intro to P-com class.
[What’s it about?]
To put it simple: it’s about gay marriage. While the whole United States were celebrating ‘Love Wins’, most counties around the world, people who are members of LGBTQ community are still being shut the door upon their face by marriage. However, to many people, this fact is just a statistic data they read in news. Is this work, I want to show the audience how ‘straight only’ marriage works and how many people’ life-long happiness are easily ignored by this kind system.
[What do you need for winter show?]
Only a small table (or share one with others). And an electronic outlet that I can reach with extension cord. The project is smaller than 15*15 inch.
[What tech & material you’re using?]
I’m using a stepper motor to drive a handmade conveyor belt (with lead screw and other parts) to transfer my wooden Symbols of couples, an ultrasonic distance sensor to see if there’s a couple, a color sensor to detect its color and a servo to push it down if it’s not ‘qualified’.
[How’s the user experience?]
(In future version, I want the users to randomly pick a country (or region) and put a random couple on the conveyor, and the machine would work according to the situation of the selected region (ex. If select the US, then the LGBTQ couple won’t be push down as they could get married in the US.)) But for now, the audience only need to pick one couple from the ‘trash box’ or the waiting area to the conveyor belt and watch. They will see that the straight couples going to the ‘Land of happy ever after’ smoothly, but the LGBTQ couples are pushing down to a trash box on the way there.
[What’s your perspective?]
I just want to show this fact visually and dynamically. Seeing those cute little ‘couples’ been pushed down, would be definitely more powerful than seeing data or report. I try not to be judgmental and demonstrate the idea in an empathy way. I won’t insult anyone as me myself belong to the community.
[Why should I choose you?] a. The concept could be interesting for some audience. And might even be a tiny little bit helpful for consciousness of equal rights.
b. To help me do better and become a better version of myself. I’m 100% sure I’m not the best, neither is my work. But I really cherish this opportunity, as it’s actually life-changing. At the beginning of the semester, I knew nothing about physical computing, and electric circuit and coding scares me. But now, here I am, building a project and apply for showing it. I really wish I could bring one of my work to SIGGRAPH, which I only participated as student volunteer before. Winter show would be a ideal start for me. As I told Rob when applying floor staff: I think I could do better when I have the responsibility to take care of others. Now I’m good at shop related things as a staff. I hope I could do better when I can hear from audiences from different background.
[How can you make sure you’ll be ready?]
It is still under construction right now. But I’ve figured out how to do it for every part of it. The hardest part is getting the right components to make the conveyor, and I’ve got them and found a tutorial that I’m following. And I talked to Hao(2nd year who made a conveyor), PP(also made conveyor before), Rubin, Jingwen and everyone that can help me. I’m sure it’ll be ready to show before the deadline, as I don’t want to lose this opportunity.
Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.007, Intro to Fabrication
]]>Transform yourself into a different body. PoV gives you the opportunity to experience the world from a different point of view.
PoV is a system that allows you to take control over a characterless puppet, making it an extension of your own mind and body and raising questions about our physical existence and the ability to be in two different parts of the world at the same time.
The first prototype allows the users to control a 26″ manikin with their mobile device, moving him in space and watching the same room from its lower point of view which makes the world seem completely different.
In the future this manikin will have a human size and by sending it to different places around the world it will allow us to engage more deeply in conversations, enhancing the current video calls we are limited to by providing us with the ability to move and turn.
The manikin is fabricated by a combination of wood and electrical components, giving it a friendly look to engage people interacting with it and make it feel more natural yet a different and unique experience.
The importance of points of view was long discussed by philosophers and film theorists, PoV aims to provide us with our own point of view in long distance conversations.
Intro to Fabrication, Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.007, Introduction to Computational Media ITPG-GT.2233.005
]]>‘Reading a personal story by pulling out the drawer’.
‘Secret drawer’ is an interactive storytelling installation. To discover a personal story, belongings and events such physical interaction in the room can reflect narrative of one’s life.
Since drawer is commonly used, yet a mysterious object which people cannot expect what it contains before they open. People sometimes cannot throw away their old stuff and collect all goods to containers such as drawers. It has possibly most story telling objects stored. Admittedly, it is the object in everyone’s house storing stuffs hid from others. The stuffs and belongings of someone else tell story of who they are or represents missing pieces of puzzles. Therefore, I decided to choose a drawer to pull out the story and secrets.
In terms of design, the top drawer has sound effect of typing the keyboards with showing a desk and a chair in miniature size. and next drawer will show a miniature bed with many lights. The bottom drawer will be a closet so clothes will be rotating once light source comes to trigger. Basically, I reversed the idea of a room and a drawer. So, the drawer contains the room while most of time a room contains a drawer. On the top of the drawer, I will place a picture frame of a person or a letter written by a person.
I am using photocell (light sensor) to trigger an audio and lights and motors placed in each drawer. The video above is demonstrating the light is on when photocell is getting the source of light. And the stepper motor is rotating fast while more light is provided. Since a user will physically involve to pull out the drawer giving light source, it will operate outputs. Specifically, MP3 sound (which will be arriving this monday) will trigger to play as background of the scene once the drawer is pulled out. also, different sounds each time will be iterative for audiences to play multiple times.
Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.002, Designing for Digital Fabrication, Intro to Fabrication
]]>Make a cat chase a ball with a joystick
A user control a joystick to move a ball image on the screen of a laptop. It will be shown on a floor by projector, and a cat could chase the ball and the user control its direction with the joystick. I'll make a documentation video of user test, and will show the video on the show. Also, the cat toy will be shown in the show, and people could move a ball in person.
Introduction to Computational Media ITPG-GT.2233.003, Applications, Comm Lab: Video and Sound ITPG-GT.2001.004, Intro to Fabrication, Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.005
]]>It’s a feeling of pleasure and enjoyment in the “raining day”.
This piano-like instrument is played by “raindrops” automatically. The magic is that the “rain drops” showing on the wall will hit the keyboard and play ticking sound. People can enjoy the rain and the rhythm through their voice, like singing in the rain. Then the raindrops will make changes and play different sounds to communicate with people.
Introduction to Computational Media ITPG-GT.2233.001, Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.001, Intro to Fabrication
]]>a real-time physical visualization of the invisible air that flows in the outside world
an inquiry on visualizing invisible “objects” of the wild, another window bridging our architected homes with the outside world. 3 mundane materials and objects – balloon, foam, soft fabric reacting to artificial wind that simulates the real air of the outside world.
classes : physical computing with prof. Benedetta
Introduction to Computational Media ITPG-GT.2233.007, Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.006, Intro to Fabrication
]]>Do you think you can get a hit off of a Major League Pitcher?
Grant Henry, Katie Takacs and I have designed a virtual batting cage where you can attempt to get a hit off of a Major League pitcher. Not only can you face off against five professional pitchers you can physically feel what it's like to get a hit as the bat has been equipped with a vibrating motor sensor. Users will also be wearing a batting helmet to help them toggle between pitchers should one prove too difficult. After all, it won't be easy as the pitchers will throw everything in their 2016 arsenal. We've taken all of the statistics available to us to map each pitch including it's movement along the X axis and it's average MPH. Not too familiar with the game of baseball? We've included an easy and hard mode – that can be toggled between with the interactive FSR-equipped home plate, to introduce you to the fundamentals of the sport. Regarding space and equipment request: we would need an area roughly the size of that featured in the video (a corner of a room would be ideal) and aside from the equipment we provide – a bat, the grass batting box w/ homeplate, the helmet – we would just need a projector.
Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.003, Introduction to Computational Media ITPG-GT.2233.003, Intro to Fabrication
]]>Revealing an inner landscape that one hides from public sights.
A recent personal experience inspired me to create a installation that represents a secret place inside everyone’s heart. It is a rich and vibrant place but it is difficult for other people to enter. we feel safe and comfortable in this secret world but it is not entirely positive because shadows and darkness do exist. However, it is possible to glimpse parts of one’s inside world if you spent a little more time and love.
Introduction to Computational Media ITPG-GT.2233.001, Intro to Fabrication, Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.007
]]>Compete with your friends in a robot race – the only catch: you control your robot with your mind – the calmer you are, the faster your robot.
Embracing the irony between meditation and that of a rat race, this interactive piece was created to combine the stress of a race with the calmness of meditation. Participants meditate to move a robot. The harder they meditate the faster their robot goes. The robot stops if they are distracted by a thought – that includes thinking about the race.
Intro to Fabrication, Introduction to Computational Media ITPG-GT.2233.007, Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.002