Liquid Light

Jeffrey Park, Yeseul Song

An interactive toy in which light imitates water!


Yeseul and I were both interested in creating a light sculpture for our midterm, and we decided to use a gyro sensor to use light to imitate water. This toy is a concept for a larger version that we would like to build sometime and place in Washington Square Park. This toy will change color depending on different behaviors, such as picking it up or tossing it in the air.

Continuing on my theme from my final project, we want to explore different ways in which a viewer can control “nature.” In my pcomp final project, Endless Winter, we use ultrasound sensors to control wind and snow. For this midterm, we use light and gravity to imitate controlling water.


Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.003

Endless Winter

Jeffrey Park, Pan Pan

Capture and manipulate snow using ultrasound sensors and blower fans. Have fun with snow while staying warm indoors!


Pan and I like the idea of controlling nature, and we wanted to create an art display that was both beautifully serene and amusingly interactive. After several iterations of ideas, we decided to build a window display in which viewers can control snow depending on where they stand relative to the piece. Our project uses ultrasound sensors to detect proximity, which in turn activates blower fans to turn on. These blower fans will blow fake snow within the display to recreate a wintry scene.

Depending on our progress of our project, we may use a projector to augment the wintry scene.


Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.003