When We Die

Dana Abrassart, Leslie E Ruckman, Paula Ceballos Delgado

When We Die is a meditation on our own mortality and an examination on attitudes towards dying in Western Culture as told through a VR experience.



When We Die is a virtual-reality guided mediation and exploration of dying in western culture. The experience consists of an abstract virtual reality scene coupled with spatialized audio recordings of interviews with a physician and hospice care worker. The experience asks users to think about death in a more present and practical manner.


Hacking Story Frameworks: For Social Impact/Social Issues

Blink of an Eye

Emmanuel Y Klein, Kritchaya Twitchsri, Paula Ceballos Delgado, Wipawe Sirikolkarn

An interactive window display that flashes your life in the blink of an eye



Blink of an Eye flashes your life before your eyes. Your Instagram life. By texting the number listed on the window your Instagram account (ie: @tasteofstreep), the eye will blink and flash your images to give you a glimpse back into your past.


Pop Up Window Displays