The Loopy Mic

Ishaan Chaudhary, Nicola Carpeggiani, Satbir Samantha Multani, Yi Zhao

A system that enables microphones to become looping devices that will enhance student beatboxing abilities


Our goal was to design and create a physical interface that helps enhance the Beat Rockers beat boxing program at the Lavelle School for the Blind. Our solution is a hand help mic looper station we call “Loopy Mic”. It allows students to record themselves and overdub allowing for independent beat making on the fly. The interface is designed for the visually impaired but can be used by anyone. The interface has 2 buttons – one that records and overdubs when held down and a second button that resets everything. The current version of the interface uses software coded in MAX MSP and Arduino to operate.


Design for the Real World: BeatRockers @ the Lavelle School


Satbir Samantha Multani

A sound bag, where when you punch or kick it, you can create music


Practice, is a boxing bag that has FSRs attached to it that makes sounds when you hit it. This is meant to make the practice combinations more explicit so you can hear the patterns being made through repetition. This is a tool that can help martial artists, boxers, or anyone who wants to get better on the bag and keep them focused and entertained while practicing.


New Interfaces for Musical Expression