Spin the Lamps

Yunho Choi, Lin Yang

Spin the Lamp! is three different types of musical lighting sculptures that people can generate playful music by spinning them.



Spin the Lamp is a collaboration project between Lin Yang and Yunho Choi for the mid-term in physical computing class.

Humans are living with many things that can be spun : wheels, handles, waterwheels, turntables, tapes, rollers, merry-go-round, and so on. Often that not, most of them are spun automatically or mechanically, not by people’s hand. Driving handles are probably the common case but them also have been created in order to control the directions of the car. In other words, they are made for ulterior motives, not for the purpose of pure pleasure or enjoyment. However, almost all of us have fun experience with something such as Frisbees, Rolling barrels and pinwheels when we were kids. They just have gotten away from us as we were growing. So, we wanted to call up fresh emotions and experience with light and sound interaction using playful things that can be spun by multi-user.

There are three types of spinning objects on the table; wooden one, acrylic one, and a wheel. All of the objects serve as not only playthings but also lamps and musical instruments. Each has a long Led strip and interactive controllers which are potentiometers and a rotary encoder.

When people begin to spin each object, they start to play music. As to the wooden object, it generates different melodic music in terms of the rotation degrees. The acrylic object sounds beat music with responsive lighting; the brightness of LED is changed with the levels of music. The last object comes from a car wheel cover and it generates a metal sound. Additionally, each LED has an indicator, so when the indicator of each project meets, it creates special lighting effect and sound. If there is no interaction for a while, it automatically turns off the lighting as well as sound.


Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.001

Box Anonymous

Jaycee Holmes, Yunho Choi

"Tell me a secret. And I will tell you one back." Box Anonymous is an interactive installation which stores someone's secret and gives someone else's secret.



This project is a collaboration project between Jaycee Holmes and Yunho Choi for the mid-term project in physical computing. We started this project with a question; what will happen when people’s secrets are shared in one space at the same time?

Once people say their secret to a microphone with pushing a red button, the secret is recognized and stored in the program we created. Next, the people can get someone else’s secret by pushing the print button. The secret they receive is randomly chosen and printed. If they are not satisfied with their secret, they also can delete and record it once again. In addition, the secrets are converted into text and accumulated visually on a screen using P5.js.


The Yami-Ichi, Internet Black Market, was brought to our attention through the ITP List Serve. We knew that this would be an awesome opportunity to present some of our work at a maker-fair, so we worked together to design an interactive project with a feasible deliverable for the user to keep at the end of the interaction.

We thought it would be fun to sell secrets. Thus, was born Box Anonymous. 

Participations and Roles

Yunho Choi – Visual Programming,  Fabrication

Jaycee Holmes – Physical Computing, Fabrication

Technical Features

Visual Programming – p5.js (for visual programming), p5.speech (for voice recognition)

Physical Computing – Arduino UNO, three push buttons with LED, a thermal printer from Adafruit, a USB Microphone


Introduction to Physical Computing ITPG-GT.2301.001, Introduction to Computational Media ITPG-GT.2233.006