Latin America Map

Marco Guarino

This project dissects 3 distinct Latin American rhythms (Samba, Cumbia, Candombe) on an abstract map of Latin America so the user can pick apart the rhythms and create "new" Latin American rhythms using traditional rhythmic patterns.


The Latin American drum machine is an exercise in rhythm dissection. Every rhythmic pattern within the rhythm is stemmed out onto a loop of its own so the user can take apart and understand the relationships of the drum patterns within a rhythm. It's ha;f educational tool, half instrument. The drum machine is intended to be part of a museum installation about Latin American rhythms titled, “The Genealogy of Rhythmic Patterns.” Furthermore, every pattern on the drum machine is also at 95 BPM, which means that the user can also mix and match rhythmic patterns to create a “new” latin american rhythm, based on traditional patterns. Illustrator, Rhino, Laser cutter, and CNC machine were responsible for the the interface. Max Msp is responsible for the tech.


Cabinets of Wonder

Imitation Art Installation

Hayeon / Hayley Hwang, Koji Kanao

If you were Van Gogh, what would like to draw?


Imitation Art Installation is a participatory art museum that can allow to collaborate with past artists and other visitors. Imitation Art Installation is an application which has 2 main functions. The first function is a drawing application. Users can draw anything they want. The other function is to apply a style to a user's drawing. For doing that, Imitation Art Installation is using style-transfer which is the technique of recomposing images in the style of other images. Then, users can get an unique experience. So this application will give opportunity to answer a question like “If I were Van Gogh, I would … .”

Imitation Art Installation has 3 phase.

Visitors can get in the museum and choose the favorite artist and art piece. And they go into the first section, “LEARN”. They start to look at the detail of the art piece and learn why the artist drew and what technic they used (where, what, what emotion, what style etc).

And visitors move to the next section, “IMITATE”. They can use a touch screen display(Tablet), they simply change or re-sketch the original pieces based on the original piece. For example, they can change the classic house into apartments and re-paint. After drawing them, they submit it to the machine learning program.

Lastly, in “EXHIBIT” section, visitors can see their drawings and the original piece together to compare them. Also, they can check the collaborative version with the past artist that machine learning generates. Also, there is an artwork that all visitors created.


Cabinets of Wonder, Programming from A to Z