
Tiri Kananuruk

A head piece that tracking position and breath, and generate live sound looper. Text score generates live


''Is that Tiri or Siri? Is §he a Řeal human� I couldп't tell from her▐voice but those breath╠я looks яeal” “SeemÆá like she has an erяoŘs. ¢áñ someone restarts her one more time?”


Live Web, New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Performative Avatars


Wenqi Li

A hacked surveillance camera that creates audio and video exploring the struggle relationship between surveillance system and human beings.


[Timestamp 2017-OCT-27 4 to 6 pm]
A camera I checked out from equipment room was stolen under the monitoring of 5 surveillance cameras.

We trade our faces and personal information for security but only get frustrated and exploited. Instead of making us stronger, the system makes us more vulnerable. So I made ADMIN, let the surveillance system speak for itself.


New Interfaces for Musical Expression

Emotions on Line

Yihan Chen

Emotions on line is a wearable instrument that generates sound by pulling strings out of a retractable custom mechanism attached to the performer's body. To find out more please stay on line.



Emotions on line is a wearable instrument that generates sound by pulling strings out of a retractable custom mechanism attached to the performer's body. The inspiration is coming from my experience of learning a instrument that I don't like when I was a child. I played the zither(Chinese traditional instrument)for 10 years, I hate the everyday practice but my parents push me to learn it. Every time when I was playing the zither the teacher was not satisfied with my performance, and always want me to image I was the instrument, the instrument was combine with my body. I was very confuse at that moment, so I build a instrument that the strings could coming out from my body, and I find it is easier to put my emotions on the string.


New Interfaces for Musical Expression


Siman Li

A new musical instrument inspired by old interaction of loom and wind box (bellow).



Using button, laser distance sensors, capacitive sensor, Windloom is a new musical instrument inspired by old interaction of loom and wind box (bellow). The music was controlled by distance, touch and state of the music.


New Interfaces for Musical Expression

Music-Visual Scrolls

Brandon Kader

Paint Music and Visuals with a paintbrush


A musical instrument that plays sound and generates visuals projected on fabric. Sensors are attached at the top of the scrolls so that when the fabric is touched with the paintbrush, a sound is played and visuals pop up on the fabric. The system is in MAX/MSP/JITTER with analog input from a serial connection with Arduino. The sounds are composed in Logic and visuals are a combination of a particle system, composited video and p5.js.


Introduction to Physical Computing, New Interfaces for Musical Expression


Hayeon / Hayley Hwang

MagIc is a percussion instrument generated by the movement and forces of magnets. Magnets placed against walls of acrylic cube produce rhythmic sounds and generative beat.


MagIc is a percussion instrument generated by the movement and forces of magnets. Magnets placed against walls of acrylic cube produce rhythmic sounds and generative beat.


New Interfaces for Musical Expression