The Space Well

Haozhong Yao, Robert Ye

An experience of floating and diving into the deep space through a well.


– The universe is a mysterious well with unknown depth. Traveling in the space could feel like falling down to an abyss. We want to waive gravities from three different dimensions (one in the well, on from the ground the user stands, the one in outer space) into our project. Receiving the gravity from the earth while experiencing the gravity-less space environment, the user may find a spirit of exploration during the processing of falling into the well.

User Experience:
When you stand by the well and look into the water, the silhouette of you appear in the center of the well consist of stars.
If you put your arms up parallel to the ground, the projection of you will begin to fall into the deep space as the stars zoom in and scatter with acceleration, creating a sense of space traveling. And when you reach a certain falling speed, you will see the big bang.
If you swing your righthand very hard, your projection will spin and flash.
If you put your arms just a little away from the trunk – the projection is going to rotate a bit to create a sense of floating.

The project is a 34-inches-wide round inflatable pool, covered by a military waterproof black canvas and filled with 5 gallons of water.
A Kinect camera from 8 ft away captures the data of the user’s body.
– A projector hanging on the ceiling projects the animation of the stars in outer space into the water from up above, and the animation of the user’s figure.


Comm Lab: Hypercinema, Comm Lab: Hypercinema, Creative Computing, Creative Computing

Breaking News 24/7

Nathier Fernandez, Hau Yuan, Jiyao Zhang, Marco Wylie

An interactive news cycle makes you question what is real and what is fake


Breaking news 24/7 is an interactive installation to give people reflections of the problematic fake news issue nowadays. We created a physical news channel and a humanoid puppet – Pinnochio as the newscaster.


Pop Up Window Displays

In Cookie We Trust

Arnav Wagh, Chelsea Chen, Daniel Castano, Vidia Anindhita

In Cookie We Trust is a reinterpretation of the classic fortune cookie and the need to know one’s future. It divines your fortune, one bite at a time…but does it, really?



In Cookie We Trust is a window installation display that deconstructs the classic fortune cookie and reinterprets it in new media & technologies. It divines your fortune, one fun small bite at a time.


Pop Up Window Displays


Azalea FaghiVaseghi, Amitabh Shrivastava, Lauren Race

CaricaTron is an open-source robotic caricature artist from the future.


Midway caricature art is traditionally done by human beings. But, what would a caricature artist from the future look like?
Robotic. Definitely robotic.
CaricaTron takes your picture, converts it to a caricature using computer vision, draws you with a robotic arm and posts the caricature to @helloCaricaTron on Instagram.


Pop Up Window Displays

Dear Younger Me

Nick Wallace, Sam Chasan, Tong Wu

If you were given a window into the past, what would you say to yourself?


Dear Younger Me invites people to share their joy, their love, their advice, their regrets, and their heartbreak with their younger selves via text. Each message is printed out onto a continuous feed of paper, slowly filling the space and allowing passersby to read messages others have sent to themselves.


Pop Up Window Displays