Heather Kim, Katie Krobock
CyberScamp creates a unique, playful experience where interaction with a pup reaches into both the physical and digital worlds.
CyberScamp is a project connecting physical input to a digital output. Based on the user’s interaction with a physical stuffed animal, there is an animated p5.js output through which the animal responds. These animated outputs would likely be made with an outside program, then exported into p5.js. The project uses an Arduino, a stuffed animal dog, a force sensitive resistor, and p5.js. The resistor is in the back of the stuffed animal. By assigning values to the levels of pressure exerted on the dog, we are able to break those different pressures into ranges. One range is very low pressure, which the animated dog does not respond to at all; he is neutral. The animation would maybe be the dog looking eagerly at the user, waiting for some kind of attention; because this is the animation displayed when there is no pressure being exerted (no user interaction), this scene would encourage someone to come and interact with the project in the first place. Another range is medium to high pressure, achieved through petting or patting the stuffed animal, which the animated dog responds well to. The animated dog would be very happy, possibly rolling on his back with a tongue out. A third range is very high pressure, in the case that the user punches or squeezes the stuffed animal too hard. While this isn’t really an ideal interaction with the project, we feel it’s necessary to add an output that addresses it. The animated dog would react poorly to this treatment, possibly looking sad, upset, and hurt. This upset reaction by the animated dog may last a bit longer than the happy reaction, but would eventually fade back and reset to neutral again.
Creative Computing