DYÄD is a semi-cooperative puzzle game where a couple must navigate the struggles of being in a relationship while decorating their home with IKEA furniture falling from the sky.
Inspired by games like Consentacle, Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, Nour, and Fog of Love, DYÄD is a semi-cooperative puzzle game where two people have to decorate their home with IKEA furniture by dropping it from the sky. A shared physical interface allows players to button mash to spawn a fountain of cheap and sleek Swedish design as they attempt to communicate or not about their individual wants and shared goals (but they can only communicate in Swedish…). Each level is a progressively larger floor plan, but each partner in the couple has different preferences as to what color and type of furniture should be in each room. The partners only know their wants however, by consulting a textless assembly manual that is unique to them and starts nearly blank. It is only by trying and failing to play the game with different partners that they unlock new stickers to flesh out their unique assembly manual, learning through reflection how best to navigate future relationships and ultimately succeed with their partner. Though no pairing is the same, through communication, compromise, and playful exploration, the couple can emerge victorious.
Each button interface has multiple LED pushbuttons that change color to indicate different states in-game, and both are connected via TeensyMIDI to Unity. After giving new players their own assembly manual, explaining the game rules (though leaving most interactions/effects to exploration/discovery), and allowing the pair a minute to discuss, the facilitator (me) starts the game in unity.
Joy and Games
]]>Destroy my online persona.
Despite being a realm where anyone can technically be anything, the internet has become a territory bound by its own implicit conventions and etiquette. For this experience, I want to convey my frustrations towards how I’m usually represented online under these practices and how I’d truly like to express myself by having the user “break down” my website. The goal is to destroy as many elements as possible to uncover how I’d ideally like to be seen online (which is currently just photos and my resume).
The user will navigate and interact with the web elements by swinging a controller (microbit) shaped like a bat, which is connected to the mouse position on-screen. Size wise, the bat will be more akin to a beer bottle and will have some fluids inside to help provide a feel to the movement. The DOM elements of the page will either disappear or transform depending on what it's representing.
Joy and Games
]]>A game that use your smile to play
A game that forces you to smile. The goal is to explore the social phenomenon of using the smile to show friendliness and how much people care about their public reputation.
Joy and Games
]]>A game that simulates ignoring your responsibilites and staying in bed.
A game about staying in bed. You sit in a real bed and control yourself in a physical bed. If you get out of the bed, you lose.
Joy and Games