Fake Your Smile

Tanic Nakpresha, Tianyi Xie

A game that use your smile to play



A game that forces you to smile. The goal is to explore the social phenomenon of using the smile to show friendliness and how much people care about their public reputation.


Joy and Games

Behind a Tomb

Nianqi Zhang, Tianyi Xie

An interactive sculptural tomb that explores the philosophy of death.



An interactive sculptural tomb that explores the philosophy of death.

We usually look at the front of a tomb and ignore its back. To discuss the meaning of death to the dead and people alive, we are designing a tomb that has an interactive backside where ferrofluid is moving constantly according to time and the number of people that are visiting the tomb.

The project is fabricated with CNC, laser cutter and driven by stepper motors.


Designing for Digital Fabrication